Plano-concave axicon conical lenses are made of optically transparent or filter materials with polished opposite sides, ground edges, and chamfers. An axicon produces a line image along the axis from a point light source. A central hole has a typical diameter of 1 mm. A variety of coatings are available.
Vilnius, Lithuania
Plano-Concave Axicon (Conical lens)
Altechna offer new product - Plano-Concave Axicons of various dimensions and Apex angles.
Plano-concave axicons are made of a plano surface in combination with a concave conical surface. They are made of optically transparent or filter materials with polished opposite sides, ground edges and chamfers. An axicon made up of conical and flat surface produces a line image along the axis from a point light source. Due to fabrications process, a central hole is needed for concave conical surface.
Hole diameter is typically 1 mm. Different coatings can be applied on the polished sides of axicons. The concave conical surface can be used as a mirror axicon.
More detailed description can be found at
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