A line of femtosecond-written fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) includes single and apodized FBGs, as well as FBG arrays in customized lengths and distances ranging from millimeters to several kilometers. The FBG wavelength is selectable within a standard range from 1460 to 1640 nm, with others available upon request. Available fibers include standard Acrylate-coated SMF-28 fibers, as well as specialty fibers such as pure core fibers and PI- or carbon-coated fibers.
SPIE Photonics West booth number: 4629
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Headquarters: Goslar, Germany
Product: Femtosecond-written fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs)
Key Features: Selectable wavelength range from 1460 to 1640 nm
What FemtoFiberTec says:
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