FiberTech Optica to demonstrate fiber-optic arrays at SPIE BiOS and SPIE Photonics West 2017
FiberTech Optica's patented technology for fiber-optic arrays includes flexible design options for bundles with slit, arc linear array, rectangular, grid or patterned formats in mapped or randomized configurations. Microlens arrays and imaging elements can be incorporated. The assemblies offer increased coupling efficiency for applications requiring precise tolerances of tightly packed or grid configurations. Arrays can produced with multimode or single-mode fibers for use from deep-UV to near-IR wavelengths.
SPIE BiOS/Photonics West booth number: 8638 (BiOS) and 4549 (Photonics West)
To Learn More:
Contact:FiberTech Optica
Headquarters: Kitchener, ON, Canada
Product: Fiber optic arrays
Key Features: Producible with multimode or single-mode fibers
What FiberTech Optica says:
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