Researchers discover photon avalanching nanoparticles are supersensitive to mechanical force—and nanosensors they went on to create are poised to redefine what’s possible in terms...
Episode 40 of Following the Photons: A Photonics Podcast features Todd Haugen, CEO of Enablence Technologies, a supplier of optical chips based on PLC technology.
Scientists discover a robust and scalable nanomaterial can act as a binary optical switch or a tiny memory unit—and this all-optical process can be controlled to store information...
The LINOS inspec.x L 5.6/105 visible/near-infrared (VIS-NIR) lens series provides achromatic correction with broadband coatings from 400 nm to 1150 nm.
(Photo credit: Quantum Science and Engineering Centre, NTU)
In this Q&A, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) researchers Professor Baile Zhang and Professor Leong Chuan Kwek share the inspiration and concepts behind...