Lasers & Sources

The Lasers & Sources channel features articles and other content that discuss the design and applications of all types of lasers, amplifiers, and other advanced sources like LEDs.


ID 10581101 © Dennis Thompson |
Lasers & Sources

U.S. GAO issues report critical of DoD satellite laser comms progress

March 5, 2025
The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently issued a report about laser comms being built to support a network of Department of Defense (DoD) satellites—and recommends...
(Image credit: Coherent)
Lasers & Sources

Femtosecond laser has use in multiphoton microscopy

March 5, 2025
The Chameleon Discovery LX femtosecond laser provides ultrashort 100-fs pulses.
(Photo credit: WMG, the University of Warwick)
Attendees observe a hands-on demonstration of Civan Lasers’ OPA6 dynamic beam laser, showcasing real-time beam shaping capabilities for industrial applications.
Laser Processing

Meet the Lasers4MaaS consortium

Feb. 27, 2025
Lasers-as-a-service takes off within Europe and is poised to revolutionize the use of lasers for industrial servitization.
(Image credit: ams OSRAM)
Lasers & Sources

UVC LED provides mercury-free UVC disinfection

Feb. 25, 2025
The OSLON UV 3535 UVC LED offers 115 mW from a single chip at 265 nm.
(Photo credit: Chromacity)
FIGURE 1. A Chromacity engineer aligns an ultrafast fiber laser with second-harmonic generation.
Lasers & Sources

Ultrafast lasers drive nonlinear microscopy, environmental sensing, and quantum technologies

Feb. 10, 2025
Fiber-based ultrafast lasers—with pulses of one-tenth of one-trillionth of a second—continue to evolve, and near-term advances will expand their use to materials processing, nonlinear...


(Image credit: Nativo Calavera)
FIGURE 1. Transforming bacteria into solar-powered lasers: we extract light-harvesting structures from bacteria (left), enhance them with proprietary specially engineered lasing units (middle), and place them into a lasing cavity (right) to create a new type of laser that runs directly on sunlight. The natural light-gathering rings (green/purple) of purple bacteria measure 60-nm across and achieve near-perfect efficiency in energy transfer of captured photons.
Lasers & Sources

Bio-inspired approach to harvest sunlight and convert it into laser beams in space

Feb. 7, 2025
A new way to power space missions piggybacks on bacteria's efficient light-harvesting abilities to create sunlight-powered lasers—and could enable power transmission between satellites...
(Image credit: M. Krůs and M. Londesborough, Czech Academy of Sciences, 2024)
FIGURE 1. Anti-Octadecaborane isomer: blue = hydrogen, green = boron.
Lasers & Sources

The quest for laser fusion fuel intensifies

Jan. 10, 2025
To create abundant clean energy and help save the planet, the race is on to find an optimal laser fusion fuel.
(Image credit: Laser Components)
Lasers & Sources

Laser modules available in 445-, 520-, 660-, and 808-nm wavelengths

FLEXPOINT MVpulseHP laser modules have laser power up to 1000 mW.
(Image credit: LumeDEL)
Lasers & Sources

Fiber-coupled LED source has use in spectroscopy

Dec. 31, 2024
The NewDEL Model X4010 fiber-coupled LED source serves as a long-life replacement for halogen lamps.
(Image credit: HÜBNER Photonics)
Lasers & Sources

Modulated laser offers 100-mW output power

An orange wavelength has been added on the Cobolt 06-01 Series of modulated lasers.