The xHLPD photodiodes provide high power operation up to 10 GHz bandwidth, and deliver up to 4 V peak-to-peak (+16 dBm CW) RF output power with exceptional phase linearity < 5 rad/W. The thermo-electrically cooled modules enable reliable device operation with multiple biasing options. Applications include ultra-low noise optical clocks, photonic time transfer, antenna remoting, and RF-over-Fiber.
The LDP-3830 Pulsed Precision Current Source is specifically designed for controlling laser diodes and quantum cascade lasers and is ideal for single-emitter VCSELs or VCSEL arrays. It provides an adjustable peak pulse current of up to 5A with a compliance voltage of up to 20V, adjustable pulse widths from 25 ns to 1 µs, and an adjustable duty cycle from 0.01% to 5.00%.