The Ophir 150K-W Very High Power Laser Sensor measures power levels to 150kW. The water-cooled calorimetric sensor delivers exceptional accuracy and dependable performance over the range of 900-1100nm. Extremely low back reflection ensures operational safety. Designed for high-power fiber laser development and testing, directed energy systems, and industrial cutting and drilling.
Bristol’s 771 Laser Spectrum Analyzer operates as both a high-resolution spectrum analyzer and a high-accuracy wavelength meter. With spectral resolution up to 2 GHz, wavelength accuracy as high as ± 0.0001 nm, and an optical rejection ratio of more than 40 dB, this instrument provides the most complete analysis for scientists and engineers who need to know the spectral properties of their lasers.
Mad City Labs offers tools for the nanoscale. Products include piezo nanopositioners with sub-nm precision, compact micropositioners and microscope decks, single molecule microscopes and atomic force microscopes (AFM). Custom solutions. Ideal for quantum sensing, metrology, microscopy, photonics, and more. New! MMP-UHV50 – UHV compatible micropositioner with 50mm travel, 190nm steps.