Technica Optical Components LLC

Atlanta, GA 30319


About Technica Optical Components LLC



3657 Peachtree Rd NE
Suite 10A
Atlanta, GA 30319
United States

More Info on Technica Optical Components LLC

Technica is a global company headquartered in Atlanta, USA with manufacturing facilities in Beijing, China and Singapore. Leading provider of Fiber Bragg Gratings, FBG sensors, and FBG sensing cables.

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Additional content from Technica Optical Components LLC

Buyer's Guide

T60 Small Diameter (Thin) Fiber Bragg Grating

FBGs written into small and ultra-small diameter single-mode acrylate, polyimide, or metal coated fibers. Excellent wavelength to temperature and strain linearity. The T60's small...
Buyer's Guide

T10 Customized FBG Sensor

The T10 is our core Fiber Bragg Grating. It is a key building block for hundreds of types of optical sensors and optical filtering applications. Excellent wavelength to temperature...
Buyer's Guide

T70 Chirped Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG)

Improves the wavelength stability of ultrafast-mode-locked fiber-lasers, minimizes output-power variations. The T70 is Chirped Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) is available in a wide...
Buyer's Guide

T30 Long Period Gratings (LPG)

The T30 sensor is very sensitive to temperature, strain, torsion and bending changes. LPGs operate in transmission-mode and their large modulation period allows light coupling...
Buyer's Guide

T90 Fiber Laser Matched FBG Pairs

Two matched FBGs array for high-power and ultra-fast Fiber Lasers.Our state-of-the-art matched FBG pair production system offers flexibility to produce high reflectors and output...
Buyer's Guide

T110 Armored Cable FBG Array Sensor

The T110 is a super-high-sensitivity cable sensor designed for fast-and-easy vibrations monitoring for security projects that target perimeter or fence intrusion alert systems...
Buyer's Guide

T140 High Tensile Strength FBG Temperature Cable Sensor

FBG Arrays embedded in stainless-steel cables resistant to high-temperature. High cable tensile-strength and matching tensile-modulus is ideally suited for demanding applications...
Buyer's Guide

T130 High Sensitivity Strain and Temperature FBG Cable Sensor

Small-outer-diameter high-sensitivity cable sensor for monitoring strain and temperature in surface-mounted or embedded applications. Consists of an array of Fiber Bragg Gratings...
Buyer's Guide

T100 FBG Sensing Array

Fiber Bragg Gratings based fiber array with 1-99 embedded FBGs. Naturally packaged directly in bare fiber, these daisy-chained FBG sensors are ultra-small and are designed for...
Buyer's Guide

T20 Polyimide Coated FBG to 300C

Polyimide-coated single-mode (SM) Fiber Bragg Grating sensor to 300C. Available in a wide-range of optical specifications. Naturally packaged (written) directly in fiber, these...