In this episode: Microcomb chips transform atomic clocks, the latest photonics business news, and black germanium boosts infrared photodiode responsivity.
In this episode: Holograms push next-level digital security, the latest business news roundup, and thin-film polariton filters break the fundamental limit of angular dispersion...
QD Laser, Inc. (Japan) proudly introduces “Lantana,” the world’s smallest all-in-one compact visible laser (532, 561, 594 nm) with a built-in driver in its class. Its high-quality...
The drive for higher power lasers in directed energy and production keeps Ophir at the forefront of innovation with measurement systems that deliver accurate and reliable measurements...
In this episode: A new LiDAR system hits distances up to 1 km away, an artificial neuron boasts lightning speed, and the U.S. DOE announces quantum funding.