Manufactures rework equipment for laser/optical packages including de-lidder for removing hermetic lids non-destructively, and HGRS HOT Gas workstations for safely removing components from temperature-sensitive assembled circuits.
We provide dedicated D5R3 machines for removing round lids and caps from packages and headers, and the D5RT Turntable Module useable with all D5L and some D5F models.
These machines remove lids from packages with attached fibers. They are similar to our D5L series but larger, providing fiber-protective trays, clearance, and fiber-handling features...
Precisely targeted high temperature jets provide quick, safe removal of components from densely populated circuits and substrates. Contact us for detailed brochure showing applications...
These cleanroom machines precisely and smoothly remove lids from bathtub, butterfly, DIP, round and other seam-sealed hermetic packages, keeping the cavity particle-free while...
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