Coherent Italia Srl

Monza 20900


About Coherent Italia Srl



Viale Lombardia 159 
Monza 20900

More Info on Coherent Italia Srl

Designs, manufactures, and markets lasers, laser-based systems, precision optics, crystals, laser measurement and control devices, and related laser accessories. Major markets include microelectronics, materials processing, OEM instrumentation, and scientific research. Industrial applications include the manufacturing of flat-panel displays, inkjet printers, and in automotive production processes.


Img Monaco Frontleft 300x300 Hh
Lasers, fiber (non-telecom)


High Repetition-Rate Femtosecond Yb AmplifiersUltrashort Pulse Fiber Laser for Materials Processing & Microelectonics Production and Scientific ApplicationsThe Monaco industrial...
Cohr Chameleon Discovery Nx Prodimage 0720 Right Hh
Laser systems, ultrafast


NX Dual-Output Widely-Tunable fs LaserBroadly tunable ultrafast laser for two-photon microscopy and spectroscopyHighest power, widest tuning, dual output femtosecond source for...
Img Vitara Single850x850 Hh
Laser systems, ultrafast


Automated Hands-Free Ultrashort Pulse Ti:Sa Oscillator FamilyVitara is a family of hands-free, automated, ultrashort pulse and maintenance-free ultrafast Ti:S oscillators capable...
Cohr Axon Angle Right No Umbilical New
Laser systems, ultrafast


Compact Ultrafast Laser SourcesFixed Wavelength Femtosecond LasersCompact and cost-effective ultrafast lasers for life sciences and instrumentationNow also available at 780 nm...
Cohr Astrella He Prodpic Right
Laser systems, ultrafast


Ultrafast Ti:Sa Regenerative AmplifierThis next-generation, one-box Ti:Sapphire amplifier combines market-leading performance with industrial reliability.Astrella and Astrella...

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