AOsense Inc

Fremont, CA 94538-2436


About AOsense Inc


40919 Encyclopedia Cir
Fremont, CA 94538-2436
United States

More Info on AOsense Inc

AOSense is the industry-leader in high-performance quantum-atomic instruments such as accelerometers, gyroscopes, gravimeters, gravity gradiometers, clocks, frequency standards, magnetometers, ultrastable lasers, and supporting technologies. 


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Computer interfaces

High Power Integrated Laser Controller with Servo

The AOSense Integrated Laser Controller + Servo (ILC-Servo) has all the features of the standard ILC with additional servo features that may be used to lock the laser to an atomic...
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Positioning & sensing equipment

Miniature Kinematic Mounts

The AOS-KM-2 is designed for applications requiring small form factor, such as compact lasers and optical systems. The non-magnetic materials construction is ideal for applications...
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Laser diodes

External Cavity Lasers

Real-world atomic sensors and other exacting applications require laser sources with specific size, environmental, and optical characteristics, placing unique constraints that...

Press Releases

This image demonstrates the control that the Goddard-AOSense team has over the paths of atoms. In this demonstration, they manipulated the path to form the acronym, NASA.
Positioning & sensing equipment

NASA-Industry Team Creates and Demonstrates First Quantum Sensor for Satellite Gravimetry

NASA and the Sunnyvale, California-based AOSense, Inc., have successfully built and demonstrated a prototype quantum sensor capable of obtaininghighly sensitive and accurate gravity...


Courtesy NASA/Pat Izzo
Goddard physicist Babak Saif, along with researchers from Stanford University and AOSense, received NASA funding to advance a potentially revolutionary technology--atom optics--to detect theoretically predicted gravitational waves.

Atom optics and interferometry to advance with NASA and AOSense funding

Greenbelt, MD--The NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts program awarded funding to researchers from NASA, Stanford University, and AOSense to advance atom optics.

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