Adding laser atherectomy technology, AngioDynamics buys Eximo Medical
AngioDynamics (Latham, NY), which develops minimally invasive medical devices for vascular access, peripheral vascular disease, and oncology, has acquired medical device maker Eximo Medical (Rehovot, Israel) and its 355 nm wavelength laser-technology platform.
The transaction expands AngioDynamics’ existing Vascular Interventions and Therapies (VIT) product portfolio by adding Eximo’s U.S. FDA-cleared laser technology for treating peripheral artery disease (PAD). The laser atherectomy technology complements AngioDynamics’ thrombus management and venous insufficiency technologies.
Eximo’s laser technology is capable of delivering short, high-powered pulsed-laser energy in the 355 nm wavelength without compromising the integrity of its fiber-optic cables during atherectomy procedures. The technology addresses the risks of perforation through tissue selectivity and embolization to the patient through the availability of aspiration, and is indicated to provide treatment for in-stent restenosis (ISR), which is the gradual re-narrowing of the artery after a blockage has been previously treated with a stent.
The laser technology also advances patient treatment options and care by treating a variety of PAD lesion types both above and below the knee. The technology is a safe, fast, and effective system that clinical studies have shown to be effective in treating lesions ranging from soft plaque to severely calcified.
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