Photon etc. turn-key resonant Raman spectroscopy system
A turn-key resonant Raman spectroscopy (RRS) system from Photon etc. (Montréal, QB, Canada) uses a tunable notch filter able to block elastic scattering on a large wavelength range while maintaining high throughput. Coupled to a tunable laser, spectrograph and EMCCD camera, the system can study vibrational, optical, and electronic properties of materials in a non-destructive manner; analyze carotenoids, pigments and dyes; characterize diameter and chirality distribution of a mixed population of carbon nanotubes (CNTs); and monitor in situ CNT properties during growth.
Photon etc. introduces its new turn-key Resonant Raman Spectroscopy (RRS) System
Montreal, August 1st , 2010 - Photon etc., pioneer in Bragg based hyperspectral imaging, brings new possibilities to nanotechnologists with the introduction of a turn-key Resonant Raman Spectroscopy (RRS) System.
The system uses a unique tunable notch filter able to block elastic scattering on a large wavelength range while maintaining a very high throughput.
Coupled to state-of-the-art tunable laser, spectrograph and an EMCCD camera, the system is ideal to:
- Study vibrational, optical, and electronic properties of materials in a non-destructive manner;
- Analyze carotenoids, pigments and dyes in art, archeology and forensics;
- Characterize the diameter and chirality distribution of a mixed population of carbon nanotubes (CNT);
- Monitor in-situ CNT properties during growth, in order to achieve better control on the CNT production for applications such as nanotube conductive layers or transistors.
The system received a warm welcome at NT10 Eleventh International Conference on the science and application of Nanotubes in Montreal.
It will be presented again at ICORS 2010 in Boston, where Photon etc. will exhibit at the booth #18.
For more information, contact : [email protected]