'The smartest man in Boston' to advise biophotonics developers
Called "the smartest man in Boston" by the Boston Globe, Robert S. Langer has advised President Obama, and is now set to advise biophotonics developers at Strategies in Biophotonics in September. In a 2004 article, Cornell Alumni Magazine said that, "For three decades, MIT professor Robert Langer has been seeing biomedical innovations where other scientists saw nothing at all." (Now, in 2014, we can up that to four decades.) A more recent article in Nature said, of a lecture he gave, "Everyone who is even remotely thinking about starting a biotechnology company should listen to this."
That's why Bob Alfano recommended Langer to kick off Strategies in Biophotonics on Tuesday, September 9.
With a goal of providing a truly useful offering, my colleagues and I set out to design something unique in our field: A conference to inspire and assist those looking to develop and commercialize biophotonics-based devices and systems able to improve healthcare.
As everyone in development knows, working on a market launch requires not just effort, but also faith—that is rewarded when you get feedback such as we have: "We are very impressed with the speakers you have lined up," and, "These are exactly the people who will draw attendees to the conference." Music to our ears!
We are so grateful to the phenomenal speakers who will participate, and to our advisory board—particularly to Schawlow Prize winner Alfano, who went above and beyond (and who will also speak at the conference)—for help in creating this event. I hope to see you in Boston in September!
Barbara Gefvert | Editor-in-Chief, BioOptics World (2008-2020)
Barbara G. Gefvert has been a science and technology editor and writer since 1987, and served as editor in chief on multiple publications, including Sensors magazine for nearly a decade.