If we look back to 1966, the manufacturers of TVs were companies like RCA, Westinghouse, GE, Emerson, Zenith and Philco. RCA was eventually acquired by GE in 1986 and broken up. Zenith was acquired by Korean LE Electronics in 1995. Today Emerson, RCA and Westinghouse still manufacture TVs, but in name only. Emerson TVs are manufactured by Japanese company Funai Corporation, who also owns the Sylvania and Magnavox brands. The South Korean company ON manufactures RCA TVs today. So does the TV industry today give us a glimpse into how the laser industry might look in a few years? Read the full blog from Allen Nogee.

Allen Nogee | President, Laser Markets Research
Allen Nogee has over 30 years' experience in the electronics and technology industry including almost 20 years in technology market research. He has held design-engineering positions at MCI Communications, GTE, and General Electric, and senior research positions at In-Stat, NPD Group, and Strategies Unlimited.
Nogee has become a well-known and respected analyst in the area of lasers and laser applications, with his research and forecasts appearing in publications such as Laser Focus World, Industrial Laser Solutions, Optics.org, and Laser Institute of America. He has also been invited to speak at conferences such as the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Laser Focus World's Lasers & Photonics Marketplace Seminar, the European Photonics Industry Consortium Executive Laser Meeting, and SPIE Photonics West.
Nogee has a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering Technology from the Rochester Institute of Technology, and a Master's of Business Administration from Arizona State University.