New Products

March 1, 2002
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Spectral reflectometer
The McPherson spectral reflectometer measures absorbance, transmittance, and reflectance of diverse optical samples. Units are available for the vacuum and extreme UV and for the UV-Vis-IR. Samples up to 350-mm diameter are accommodated. The stainless-steel unit measures samples from 5° to 180° with corresponding detector angles from 10° to 180°.

Chelmsford, MA

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Color digital camera for microscopy
The Digital Eclipse DXM1200 provides digital imaging and documentation for neuroscience and microscopy imaging. Designed for professional users who must take large numbers of micrographs and store them efficiently, the DXM uses new Inter Pixel Stepping (IPS) high-density imaging technology to provide true-to-life 12-megapixel-resolution photographs.

Nikon Instruments, Melville, NY

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Silicon fiber v-grooves
Wet-etch bulk micromachined devices, including fiber v-grooves and passive micromechanical structures are now available. They can be supplied as complete wafers or as diced and packaged components in waffle packs. Custom designs are available. Etching services are also available using preimaged materials from customers.

3G Optics,
Londonderry, NH

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Motorized IR camera lenses
Motorized IR camera lenses are now offered from stock for both the MWIR (3 to 5 μm) and LWIR (8 to 12 μm). A variety of focal lengths and F/#s are available. Lenses are designed for use with most focal-plane arrays, thermal-imaging cameras, and imaging applications.

Janos Technology,
Townshend, VT

Programmable framegrabber
XSYS is a PCI and CompactPCI framegrabber. Also available as a stand-alone box, the board supports RS422 or LVDS IO path up to 100 Hz. XSYS accepts image data from one to four area or line-scan cameras and provides monochrome or RGB images. The framegrabber integrates preprocessing algorithms and has custom programming capability.

Aix-en-Provence, France

White LED
Toshiba's TLWA1100 white surface-mount LED, jointly developed by Toshiba Corp. and Toyoda Gosei Co. Ltd., integrates InGaN, phosphors, and packaging technology with a 380-nm UV short peak-wavelength chip. The reflow-solderable diode comes in a 3.2 x 2.8-mm phosphor-mixed transparent resin package. It has a high operating temperature range of -40°C ˜ +100°C, and typical luminosity of 100 mcd at 20mA with a 120° viewing angle.

Marktech Optoelectronics, Menands, NY

CMOS image sensors
The ADCS-1120 and -2120 CMOS image sensors are high-sensitivity monochrome devices that can operate at low-light levels for biometric and machine-vision applications. The 1120 has VGA resolution of 640 x 480 pixels, and the 2120 has CIF resolution of 352 x 288 pixels. The pixel array is integrated with timing control and onboard analog-digital conversion.

Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA

Broadband antireflective coating
ARB2-IR is a hard, scratch-resistant antireflective coating for quartz, BK7, and similar materials for use in the infrared range up to 1650 nm. Optics coated with ARB2-IR have a residual reflectance of <0.5% over the 1250- to 1650-nm-wavelength range at an incidence angle of 0°. Designed for applications in telecommunications, ARB2-IR is now offered as a standard coating for Linos Photonics products.

Linos Photonics,
Goettingen, Germany

Electroluminescent material
Luxprint 8100 series thick-film materials for electroluminescent (EL) lighting use a new polymer film to improve brightness for EL lamps. The series includes the 8152 blue/green, 8154 yellow/green, and 8150 white phosphors, as well as the 8153 dielectric. It is designed for use in backlights for portable electronics, automotive, architectural, and display applications.

DuPont, Wilmington, DE

The Dalstar 6M18 camera provides high-sensitivity, 12-bit imaging with 3000 x 2000 spatial resolution at up to 18 frames/s. It is designed for film scanning, electronics manufacturing inspection, packaging inspection, and document archiving.

Dalsa, Waterloo, Ont., Canada

Optical adhesives
A series of optical adhesives cures in 1 to 10 s with shrinkage as low as 0.2%. They form bonds with a typical tensile strength of 3000 psi. They are available for bonding glass, metal, plastic, and fiberoptics, require no postbake, and have a shelf life of one year at room temperature.

Dymax Corp., Torrington, CT

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Uncooled IR cameraAn uncooled, microbolometer, long-wave IR camera is based on amorphous silicon and sensitive in the 8- to 12-μm band. It has a 320 x 240 format and a pitch of 47 μm. It operates at a frame rate of 50 Hz, has a sensitivity of <120 mK at 300°C, weighs <300 g, and consumes <5 W. It has 14-bit RS422, CCIR, and RS170 interfaces and is designed for portable systems such as rifle sights, driving systems, and surveillance cameras.CEDIP Infrared Systems,Croissy-Beaubourg,

X-Y stage
The T-300 X-Y stage is designed for applications such as 300-mm wafer positioning and high-precision photonic component assembly. Its completely noncontact design uses air bearing ways, noncontact linear encoders, and sinusoidally commutated linear motors. It has 380 x 320-mm travel and resolution to 1 nm.

Danaher Precision Systems,
Salem, NH

Liquid light guide
A bifurcated liquid light guide provides the uniformity of a multilegged fiber guide. A nonimaging optical system provides even distribution of energy to each leg for curing multiple sites simultaneously using a single light source.

Exfo Photonic Solutions,
Mississauga, Ont., Canada

Microvia drill
The Model 5385 CO2 laser microvia drill is a single-head drilling system with a pulse repetition rate of up to 100 kHz. It can drill vias of 75 to 200 μm at a rate of >12,000 per min in glass-reinforced resin dielectric material and can drill FR4 and other dielectric materials.

Electro Scientific Industries,
Portland, OR

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NIR spectrograph
A temperature-stabilized spectrograph for use in the near infrared is based on an InGaAs array. The portable device uses a miniature fiberoptic input and has a USB interface. Windows-based acquisition software is included, and a line of accessories is available.

Control Development, South Bend, IN

Image recognition board
The NeuroSight embedded vision board has built-in capabilities for high-speed image recognition. It uses a CMOS sensor for video acquisition, a Zero Instruction Set Computing neural network for pattern learning and recognition, and an FPGA for programming. It has a resolution of 352 x 288 pixels, a 156-neuron network, and several I/O lines.

General Vision, Petaluma, CA

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Image sensor
The KAF-3200ME combines indium tin oxide and microlenses on a single CCD sensor. Peak QE is 85%, with a 49% improvement in QE for blue wavelengths and 25% for near infrared. It has 6.8-μm square pixels in an array of 2184 x 1510 and is designed for scientific and medical-imaging applications.

Eastman Kodak, Rochester, NY

A UV LED is based on GaN and has a peak wavelength of 400 nm with a spectral bandwidth of 20 nm. A 20-mA drive current with forward voltage of 3.2 V provides typical luminous intensity of 1800 mcd with a viewing angle of 20°. It is mounted in an industry-standard epoxy, 5-mm, T1¾ package.

Hero Electronics Ltd.,
Ampthill, Bedfordshire, England

Power supplies
The EK series of dc power supplies has a voltage range of 1 to 60 kV at 600 W. They use air as the primary dielectric medium and have arc sensing and quench circuitry to combat arcing conditions. They have low ripple and noise and fast response time and are designed for use with x-ray, electron gun, and cyclotron applications.

Glassman High Voltage, Warren, NJ

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Vision software
Sherlock 6.1 is a Windows-based software package that allows users to develop sophisticated machine-vision applications. It supports the PCI framegrabber PC-CamLink and allows users to include Visual Basic Script code. It accommodates line-scan cameras with variable-length frames. A library includes hundreds of image-processing, analysis, and machine-vision functions.

Coreco Imaging, Bedford, MA

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Fiberoptic switch
The QuickSwitch 4186 is a fiberoptic ST duplex interface A/B/C/ switch. It connects a workstation or device to three other devices or networks, with internal circuitry ensuring isolation among the devices. It has an RS232 serial security-enhanced supervisory remote port, which allows a terminal to communicate with the unit and change switch position.

Electro Standards Laboratories, Cranston, RI

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Non-UV-blocking lamps
A line of quartz halogen lamps blocks no-UV or near-infrared radiation and operates from 300 to 4800 nm. They come in standard and custom configurations with output of 10 to 400 W in stand-alone to high-reflectivity gold types with compatible holders. Ceramic holders rated at 230°C come in a variety of sizes.

Gilway Technical Lamp,
Woburn, MA

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CCD scan camera
The HV-D30 is a three-CCD interlaced-scan camera for industrial and other applications. It measures 65 x 65 x 80 mm, weighs 400 g, and has horizontal resolution of 800 TV lines. It has a 12-bit analog-digital converter, 14-bit processing, and a signal-to-noise ratio of 64 dB. A six-vector color-corrector system allows users to adjust saturation and hue.

Hitachi Denshi America Ltd.,
Woodbury, NY

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Spectroscopy system
The IR-6416 multichannel laser pulse spectroscopy system has 64 detector elements and 16 external inputs to provide 80 channels of data acquisition from laser pulse events. Coupled with a dispersion grating, it produces spectra from 2 to 20 μm with pulse widths from 1 fs to 2.5 ms.

Infrared Systems Development Corp., Winter Park, FL

High-speed photodiodes
New high-speed PIN photodiodes are intended for integration into the receivers and transceivers of optical communications systems operating at OC-192 (10 Gbit/s) and OC-768 (40 Gbit/s). In the 1300- to 1550-nm range, the photodiodes are specified at 0.8 A/W for 10-Gbit/s devices and 0.5 A/W for 40-Gbit/s devices. The photodiodes are available as unpackaged 0.5 x 0.5-mm die.

Intevac, Santa Clara, CA

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Cable polisher
The APC 100 series abrasive polishing cloth requires only one polishing step for fiberoptic cable connectors and is designed for use by less skilled workers. It is designed to work with any connector type, any epoxy type, and any puck in both hand and machine polishing.

W R Systems Ltd., Fairfax, VA

VCSEL wafer probe system
A new VCSEL wafer probe system provides precise optical and electrical measurement of VCSELs at wafer level, helping reduce manufacturing time and costs. The system offers rapid 400-point L-I-V characterization, including threshold current and kink characterization. The system consists of a Karl Suss PA200 probe system, Labsphere Spectralon integrating sphere assembly, and a high-end computer.

Labsphere, North Sutton, NH

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Pneumatic fiber-alignment stage
A new range of pneumatic linear translation stages for fiber-alignment applications has been introduced. The stages can rapidly move up to 50 lb of equipment up to 75 mm and position it with 2-μm repeatability. Lightweight aluminum construction and cross-roller bearings provide speeds up to 100 mm/s. The stages are designed for process-automation applications in telecom components manufacturing.

Melles Griot, Irvine, CA

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Sapphire waveplates
Sapphire waveplates are available from 0.3 to 4.7 μm for Er:YAG and holmium lasers at 2.94 and 2.10 μm, respectively. The waveplates are more durable than quartz and mica and are impervious to chemicals. Both quarter-wave and half-wave versions are available.

Meller Optics, Providence, RI

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Camera for 3-D machine vision
A new camera for high-speed 3-D machine vision can acquire more than 10,000 3-D profiles per s. Using proprietary CMOS sensor technology, the IVP Ranger offers in-line 3-D applications for OEMs and vision integrators in semiconductor, electronics, wood, food, and other industries. An application development toolkit is included.

IVP Integrated Vision Products, Linköping, Sweden

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Calibration verification standards
Two calibration standards kits (STAN-ABS-UV for ultraviolet and STAN-ABS-VIS for visible wavelength ranges) each contain a background reference for low, medium, and high absorbance standards, which should read within ±5% of the absorbance data provided. These standards can be used to verify calibration for any spectrophotometer system configuration and to check the system's performance and accuracy.

Ocean Optics, Dunedin, FL

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Deep UV laser
The Indigo-DUV is a compact, solid-state deep-UV laser. It produces >2 mW of single-frequency radiation at wavelengths around 193 nm in a TEM00 spatial mode. Designed as an alternative to excimer lasers, the Indigo-DUV is used by semiconductor manufacturers for microlithography, metrology, mask inspection, and spectrometer calibration.

Positive Light, Los Gatos, CA

High-speed ball screws
The new UltraSpeed series 3526 ball screws, available in nominal diameters from 16 to 63 mm, enable speed ratings of DN = 160,000, or 33% higher than conventional designs. Using advanced thread-grinding technology and with lead-to-diameter ratios from 0:5:1 to 1:1, linear velocities of 4000 in./min can be achieved at accelerations of 2 gs.

Steinmeyer, Bedford, MA

Beamsplitter module
The Microimager is a beamsplitter module for simultaneous dual-emission imaging. It creates two spectrally different images on the CCD chip, allowing the microscope operator to capture multiple images without having to change filters, an advantage over standard sequential imaging techniques. Typical applications include indo calcium imaging and CFP/YFP FRET (fluorescence-resonance-energy-transfer).

T.I.L.L. Photonics, Gräfelfing, Germany

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Near-UV camera
The XC-EU50 black-and-white analog 1/2-type CCD video camera with near-UV sensitivity has a 300- to 420-nm spectral range. It is suited for surface inspection of PCBs and soldering, microscopy, and document-proofing applications. The camera's near-UV sensitivity is critical in fiberoptic inspection as glass is clear to visible light but opaque to near-UV.

Sony Electronics, Park Ridge, NJ

Stray-light analysis software
SOLEXIS Version 2.1.2 is a fully upgraded, user-friendly, commercial optical-scatter database and materials-selection tool for ground- and space-based optical instrument applications. The software is designed for use by optical scientists, optical engineers, and system engineers to perform optical design and materials selection in the development of systems for which optical, thermal, stray light, and scatter performance is critical, including cameras, scanners, and telescopes.

Stellar Optics Research International,
Thornhill, Ont., Canada

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