Photomultiplier tube

Nov. 1, 1995
The R6060 photomultiplier tube (PMT) uses Peltier cooling and a heat sink to produce low-noise performance that is sensitive to red light. The device`s equivalent noise input can be a tenth of that for conventional uncooled multi-alkali PMTs. Spectral response is 185 to 850 nm, cathode luminous sensitivity is 250 µA/lm, anode luminous sensitivity is 1 kA/lm, and dark current is typically 30 pA.

Photomultiplier tube

The R6060 photomultiplier tube (PMT) uses Peltier cooling and a heat sink to produce low-noise performance that is sensitive to red light. The device`s equivalent noise input can be a tenth of that for conventional uncooled multi-alkali PMTs. Spectral response is 185 to 850 nm, cathode luminous sensitivity is 250 µA/lm, anode luminous sensitivity is 1 kA/lm, and dark current is typically 30 pA.

Hamamatsu Corp., Bridgewater, NJ

Circle 315

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