New Products

June 1, 2008
The Series 8000 793-MFP fiber-coupled diode lasers deliver up to 3 W of CW output power at 793 nm from a 100-µm-core 0.

Laser diodes

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The Series 8000 793-MFP fiber-coupled diode lasers deliver up to 3 W of CW output power at 793 nm from a 100-µm-core 0.22 NA fiber. They are also available in a free-space package with 4 W ex facet. They are designed for use with eye-safe thulium-doped fiber pumping applications that require high power and beam quality.
Intense, Glasgow, Scotland

CCD cameras

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The SP503U and SP620U CCD cameras with USB 2.0 capture and analyze wavelengths from 190 to 1550 nm, both CW and pulsed mode. The first has resolution of 640 × 480 pixels, the second 1600 × 1200 pixels. Both have automatic or manual gain control and a programmable, high-speed shutter.
Logan, UT

[email protected]


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A range of Fabry-Perot etalons come in various shapes and sizes up to 150 mm in diameter, with matching accuracies to λ/300. They come in two basic forms: air-spaced or solid. Both can be designed for use at customer-defined wavelengths from 190 nm to approximately 2 µm.
Optical Surfaces,
Kenley, Surrey, England

[email protected]

Fiber measurement

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The Model 2440 automated measurement system characterizes sources such as VCSELs and field test instruments such as optical loss test sets in terms of encircled flux and mode power distribution. The system is available in 850 and 1300 nm, and dual-wavelength configurations and can measure both bare fiber and connectorized pigtails.
Photon Kinetics, Beaverton, OR

Vacuum UV source

The Model 620 windowless, hollow cathode source allows the negative discharge glow to be viewed directly. It produces ionized gas emission lines that can be viewed with little or no absorption by neutral gas. The water-cooled anode and cathode are electrically isolated. An optional differential pumping stage is available to allow direct connection to experiment systems operating a lower vacuum pressures.
McPherson, Chelmsford, MA
[email protected]

Metallurgical camera/microscope

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The RMM Rollscope is a portable, compact, metallurgical camera-microscope for testing, measurement, and photography of inaccessible or large objects that cannot be placed on the stage of an ordinary microscope. With a magnification range of 50× to 500×, the microscope body has graduated rack and pinion controls for x and y movement. The camera port accepts digital cameras or CCTV accessories.
Unitron, Bohemia, NY
[email protected]

Stress birefringence test device

The StrainMatic M4 is designed to record the stress birefringence of the entire surface of objects. Operating based on the traditional “Senarmont” measurement method, the automated device allows for spatial resolution of approximately 1 mm. The test process can be used with materials and components used in industrial lenses and to analyze mechanical stress in complex processed compounds made of glass ceramics.
Schott, San Jose, CA
[email protected]

Red laser diode

A 705 nm, 50 mW red laser diode is designed for use in biomedical applications such as blood analysis and endoscopy. It features a single longitudinal mode, low operating current of 75 mA at 40 mW, and is suited for small, low-power-consumption measurement equipment.
Power Technology, Little Rock, AR
[email protected]

Laser module

The DLX-9356-13 (532 nm, 5 mW) and the DLX-9456 (532 nm, 10 mW) DPSS high-visibility green-laser modules measure 20 mm diameter by 50.5 mm. They have integral thermoelectric control, enabling stable operation over a temperature range from 10°C to 50°C, noise less than 1.5% and a collimated beam (M2 less than 1.2) with a uniform Gaussian profile.
Photonic Products,
Hatfield Broad Oak, England

[email protected]

Quantum-dot lasers

A temperature-insensitive quantum-dot, Fabry-Perot laser enables optical telecom modules to realize small form factors, lower power consumption at 1310 nm, and has 1.25 to 10 Gbit/s speed in various extreme environments. They are available in a TO-CAN package or bare chip for applications such as FTTH, optical LAN, and fiber channels.
QD Laser, Tokyo, Japan
[email protected]

Optical-design tool

The OptSim 5.0 optical-network design tool includes maximum likelihood sequence estimation (MLSE) decoding, electronic-dispersion-compensation equalization, bidirectional transmission, and advanced modulation formats, such as D(Q)PSK and OFDM. The software is intended for the design of dispersion-tolerant and faster networks.
Rsoft, Ossining, NY
[email protected]

Surface-inspection standards

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The Web-i series of surface-inspection cameras, includes the Web-i-1K, Web-i-2K and Web-i-4K, available with 1K, 2K, or 4K CCD sensors, respectively. The sensors operate at a pixel rate of 40 MHz. No new hardware or software is needed to inspect different materials, as all algorithms and necessary hardware are built into the cameras.
Webview, Santa Rosa, CA
[email protected]

FTIR spectrometer

The Exoscan Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer is a compact, portable device for on-site, nondestructive surface and bulk analysis applications. It is powered by a rechargeable lithium-ion battery or via an AC connector, and can be controlled through a PDA. It has interchangeable internal reflectance and external reflectance sampling interfaces.
A2 Technologies, Danbury, CT
[email protected]

Diode-laser driver

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The PDL 800-D is a picosecond diode-laser driver for pulsed and CW operation. It includes 16 distinct, user-selectable repetition rates between 31.25 kHz and 80 MHz. Applications include time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, FLIM, FCS, FRET, FLCS, and quantum-key distribution.
PicoQuant, Berlin, Germany
[email protected]

Ambient-light sensors

New IR-BLOC ambient-light sensors provide IR blocking in a plastic epoxy package. The RoHS compliant devices are a cadmium-free alternative to photocells. They feature low dark current and low junction capacitance. Their spectral response is similar to that of the human eye and a photocell.
Pacer International,
Berkshire, England

[email protected]

Ball-screw stage

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The ATS165 value-driven linear stage is designed for applications that require debris protection, medium travel, and mid-tier positioning. A hard-coated, scratch resistant aluminum cover and the side seal protect the stage from debris. The device has a 5 mm/rev ball screw that provides 0.5 µm resolution.
Aerotech, Pittsburgh, PA
[email protected]

Laser pump

A single-emitter diode-laser pump provides 5 W output at 808 nm with a 200 µm, 0.15 NA fiber. Developed under the DARPA Super High Efficiency Diode Sources program, the laser comes in both a standard BAL and a Wavelength Stabilized Technology version. It can be combined into a seven-laser, 30 W power module.
Alflalight, Madison, WI

Diode controller

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The Vue-MV-40 laser-diode controller from VueMetrix offers 40V, 10A output for applications that use 15 to 20 discrete diodes operated in series. It contains DiodeGuard, protection circuitry to reduce the risk of complete system or cascade failure caused by a short circuit or an intermittent connection in a string of diodes.
AMS Technologies,
Martinsried, Germany

[email protected]

Aspheric collimator lenses

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Custom aspheric collimator lenses and objectives are available for blue 405 nm diode lasers. The lenses are fabricated with cold replication technology that applies a thin polymer layer on top of a glass body. The process allows making small- and large-volume high-quality diffraction-limited refractive micro-optic lenses with numerical apertures beyond 0.85.
Anteryon, Eindhoven, Netherlands
[email protected]

Assembly and test station

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The OptiCentric assemby and test station integrates centration error measurement, errorless alignment, cementing, bonding, and assembly of optical systems in one fully automated manufacturing process. It uses spheroCheck to measure centration errors of aspheric surfaces. The modular workstation features reliable high-speed measurement of almost all optical parameters of single lenses and multilens objectives up to 40 elements in mounted condition.
Trioptics, Wedel, Germany
[email protected]


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The K9 recirculating chiller has cooling capacity of 9 kW with temperature stability of 0.1°C. Its compact package has a footprint of 77 × 51 cm. Like all K-series chillers, it comes with the company’s two-year guarantee.
Applied Thermal Control, Coalville, Leicestershire, England
[email protected]


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Four camera models in the scA1400-30xx Scout series are based on Sony’s ICX285 CCD sensor. With a Gigabit Ethernet interface, they can perform 12-bit image data transfer and color output at the full capture speed of 30 frames/s. The housing measures 29 × 44 × 73.7 mm with either Gigabit Ethernet or FireWire-b interface, and the cameras come in monochrome or color.
Basler Components, Ahrensburg,Germany
[email protected]

Pluggable transceiver

The LambdaFLEX TL8000 tunable, pluggable transceiver module provides up to 11.3 Gbit/s rates for long-haul and metro applications. It includes an indium phosphide Mach Zehnder modulator and DSDBR laser transmitter, and a 10 Gbit/s avalanche photodiode receiver with electronic dispersion compensation for enhanced performance in low optical-signal-to-noise-ratio environments.
Bookham, San Jose, CA
[email protected]

Linear image sensor

The C640 linear image sensor with 4000 photodiode elements integrates 7 × 7 µm pixels with a programmable gain amplifier, 12-bit A/D converter, voltage regulator, low-voltage differential amplifier, and timing generator providing a 28 mm imaging length. Thermal noise is less than 2 LSB and saturation is 4096 LSB. It supports destructive readout, nondestructive readout, and power down output modes.
CMOS Sensor, Cupertino, CA
[email protected]

High-power laser

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The CUBE 405 laser outputs 100 mW at 405 nm, with a TEM00 beam (M2 less than 1.5) and less than 0.2% rms noise (from 20 Hz to 10 MHz). It has a digital modulation bandwidth of 150 MHz and an analog modulation bandwidth of 350 kHz. It comes in a 100 × 40 × 40 mm package.
Coherent, Santa Clara, CA
[email protected]

Compact diode

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The 56-CRH series laser head comes in a 90 × 40 × 40 package, a 50% reduction in footprint over previous versions. It has high pointing stability at 408, 422, 642, and 658 nm. It offers digital modulation with rise and fall times faster than 200 ns, with analog modulation also available. Custom wavelength, power, and spot size are available.
CVI Melles Griot, Albuquerque, NM

Industrial camera

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A GigE Vision–compliant version of the Spyder 3 camera features dual line scan sensor technology, for industrial inspection applications. It has 1k and 2k resolution with a pixel size of 14 × 14 µm. It has maximum line rate of 68 KHz and throughput of 80 megapixels/s. A Cameralink interface is also available.
Dalsa, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Specialty fibers

A suite of high-temperature/harsh-environment specialty fibers includes single-mode and multimode fibers with polyimide coatings in both hermetic and nonhermetic formats. They are designed to exceed the requirements for high-temperature sensor applications, which include resistance to hydrogen permeation, excellent fiber fatigue performance, and high usable strength. The coatings are thermally stable up to 300°C.
Corning, Corning, NY

Multibar diode modules

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Fiber-coupled, multibar diode-laser modules can deliver output of 130 or 200 W out of a 200 µm fiber with NA better than 0.22. The four-bar and six-bar designs are based on single conduction cooled bars, which are optically stacked and polarization coupled. Available wavelengths are 808, 915, 940, and 980 nm.
DILAS Diode Laser, Mainz, Germany
[email protected]

LED lightpipes

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Lightpipes come with optional thin polycarbonate barriers, which block light from other pipes, preventing color mixing while adding strength. Barriers can be between some or all of the pipes at the user’s specification. Slide covers that completely enclose the pipe’s shaft are also available.
Elma Electronic, Fremont, CA
[email protected]

Laser scanners

The Photon 80 and Photon 20 3-D laser scanners have 300% less noise than previous models for greater clarity, 200% better positional accuracy, increased mirror rotation speed, faster minimal scanning times, and higher sensitivity for better detection of objects that are distant, darker, and more oblique.
FARO Technologies, Lake Mary, FL

Spectral measurement

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The RadOMA-LED Goniometric System for LED angular and spectral measurements combines a multielement array and a backside-thinned CCD detector. The modular system can be integrated with existing systems via USB interface. Four optional modules offer detector wavelengths of 200 to 550 nm, 260 to 900 nm, 300 to 1100 nm, and 380 to 810 nm.
Gamma Scientific, San Diego, CA
[email protected]

Q-switch driver

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The Model 39041-20DMA05-SC Q-switch driver delivers up to 24 W at rates of 24, 27.12, or 40.68 MHz. It measures 3.75 × 1 × 2.2 in. and requires contact cooling. It has various pulse kill options including PPK, FPS, A05, and R05. It operates on 15 VDC, 3 A, or less than 45 W, and draws 3 W in standby mode.
Gooch & Housego, Ilminster, Somerset, England
[email protected]

Single-photon detector

The id400 single-photon detector consists of a detection head and a control unit. The head contains a cooled InGaAsP/InP avalanche photodiode optimized for 1064 nm single-photon detection, and a fast sensing and quenching electronic circuit. Detection probability is adjustable between 7.5%, 15%, and 30% at 1064 nm. Spectral range is 900 to 1150 nm.
iD Quantique SA, Geneva, Switzerland
[email protected]

Blue diode

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The FP-40-EM series blue laser-diode module delivers 3 mW with a round beam and 7 mW with an elliptical beam, at 405 nm. The beam can be focused or collimated with an adjustable optic. Digital or analog modulation is optionally available.
Laser Components, Hudson, NH
[email protected]

Laser goggle support

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The Head Support System for laser goggles can be used for all of the company’s goggles with Duoflex temples. The system takes the weight of the goggles off the nose and ears and spreads it over the entire head for increased comfort even with heavy goggles, such as those with glass filters.
Laservision, Fuerth, Germany
[email protected]

Raman converter

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A multipass Raman converter provides wavelength-shift capability for most pulsed laser systems. It makes practical a variety of Raman shifts, including hard-to-achieve wavelengths, from the UV through the IR. It provides high efficiency even when multiple shifts are needed. Unlike an OPO, it does not use a nonlinear crystal and doesn’t need highly sensitive alignment.
LightAge, Somerset, NJ
[email protected]


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A polarimeter is small and has no moving parts. It outputs four photocurrents that can be used to calculate state and degree of polarization. It covers the operating wavelength range of 1520 to 1610 nm. It is designed for integration into polarization measuring and stabilizing modules for use in polarization division multiplexing, PMD compensation, and fiber sensing systems.
Lightwaves2020, Milpitas, CA
[email protected]

Small camera

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The Lm085 mini USB 2.0 camera measures 44 × 44 × 56 mm and has a VGA CMOS sensor with 752 × 480 resolution. It has dynamic range up to 100 dB for good images in high-light-contrast conditions that could cause blooming. An electronic global shutter allows image capture of fast event with no smear effect.
Lumenera, Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada

[email protected]

IR lasers

The RangerLase family of lasers operates in the 1530 to 1570 nm band, with output powers between 10 mW and 20 W and a broad selection of packages. These include a laser bar with up to 20 W output, a multimode emitter with up to 1 W CW or 4.5 W pulsed, and a single-mode emitter with up to 80 mW output.
Modulight, Tampere, Finland
[email protected]

Half-ball lenses

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A line of precision-molded micro half-ball lenses is available in crown (nd= 1.5230), borosilicate (nd= 1.4730), and high-refractive (nd= 1.62000) glass materials. They come in diameters of 3, 4, 5, and 6 mm with standard, truncated, and extended center thickness. The hemisphere first surface is molded and the plano second surface is ground and polished.
Moulded Optics,
Schoeffengrund, Germany

[email protected]

Er/Yb fiber

The SM-EYDF-5/125-HE is a double-clad fiber with a core composition designed for high conversion efficiency in high-power amplifiers pumped at 915 to 960 nm. The erbium/ytterbium fiber, which is made to tight mechanical and optical tolerances, produces high signal output power and requires reduced pump power for CATV amplifier manufacturers.
Nufern, East Granby, CT

Stabilized diodes

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Multimode-fiber-pigtailed, single-mode wavelength-stabilized laser diodes use a volume holographic glass grating to produce optical feedback for wavelength stabilization. Standard wavelengths are 636 to 640 nm with more than 4 mW output, 654 to 662 nm with more than 15 mW output, 681 to 685 nm with more than 20 mW output, and 780.25 and 781 to 789 nm with more than 40 mW output.
Ondax, Monrovia, CA
[email protected]

Laser bars

Laser bars with a wavelength of 910 to 980 nm achieve efficiency of 70% at 120 W, while bars with wavelengths of 808 and 880 nm have efficiency of 62% at 120 W. The bars have a fill factor—the ratio of active width to overall width—of 50%. Bars with a 20% fill factor for fiber coupling have recommended output of 80 W at 910 to 980 nm.
Osram Opto Semiconductors,
Regensburg, Germany


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The OP180 and OP280 Series surface-mount, infrared LEDs are housed in plastic, leadless PLCC-2 packages and feature a silicon encapsulant designed to extend the LED’s operational lifetime. Different versions offer peak wavelengths of 850, 875, or 940 nm with a variety of output powers.
Optek, Carrollton, TX
[email protected]

Nanopositioning stages

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The PIHera series of precision, closed-loop, flexure-guided stages have travel ranges from 50 to 1800 µm, allowing scanning of areas more than 200 times as large as conventional piezo stages. Most provide subnanometer resolution, and the 1.8 mm versions achieve 3 nm resolution in closed-loop operation. They provide linear motion with up to 99.98% accuracy.
PI (Physik Instrumente),
Auburn, MA

[email protected]

Laser workstation

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The CUBE all-purpose laser workstation allows integration of the company’s laser sources and related equipment into complete systems. By providing different axes and optics component options, the housing is highly flexible. An integrated control unit runs laser parameters, the galvo scanner head, and the motorized axes.
Rofin/ Baasel Lasertech,
Baasel, Germany

[email protected]

Optical filters

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The EdgeBasic line of long-wavepass optical edge filters have typical transmission of 98% and optical density of more than 6 for laser-line blocking. Their edge steepness is tailored for cost sensitive systems that do not require measurement of the smallest possible Raman shifts, and for fluorescence imaging systems that require maximum signal capture.
Semrock, Rochester, NY

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