New Products

Jan. 1, 2000
Photon counter; Digital cameras; Photo integrated circuit; Avalanche photodiodes; and more.

Photon counter

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The P30RS232 plug-and-play light-detection package interfaces directly with the serial port of a PC, allowing measurements to be taken immediately. A wide dynamic operating range allows characterization of both weak and intense light sources with the same detector. Versions are available covering the full spectral range from ultraviolet to infrared. The photon-counting package is supported by Windows software.
Electron Tubes Ltd., Ruislip, Middlesex, England

Digital cameras

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The Camélia 4M digital camera is based on a progressive scan charge-coupled device featuring 2048 x 2048 square pixels in a format close to 35-mm film size. It provides 4-Mbyte files in black and white and 12-Mbyte files in three-shot color mode. Binning up to 8 x 8 pixels enables black-and-white live video preview modes up to 25 frames/s. The camera is controlled through an RS232 serial port and allows either continuous grab or asynchronous operation triggered by an external event or in full synchronization with flashlight, shutter, and filter wheel.
Thomson CSF, Orsay, France

Integrating sphere

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The INS250 integrating sphere and radiometer system measures the output of a wide variety of lamps and provides error-free readings in optical units. The sphere has a 10-in.-diameter interior surface with a Kodak #6080 white reflectance coating, a calibration transfer standard lamp, and power supply. When used with the IL1700 research radiometer, which can store sensitivity factors for 10 lamp holders, it provides readings including a CIE match with >90% accuracy to characterize neon, glow, or color lamps. Readouts include lumens, candelas, watts, W/cm2, W/steradian, foot-candles, and joules.
International Light, Newburyport, MA

Photo integrated circuit

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The S7815 photo integrated circuit combines a photodiode and signal-processing circuit, which amplifies the photocurrent up to 1400 times, within a compact clear plastic housing. Spectral response range is 300 to 1000 nm, with peak sensitivity at 650 nm. Dark current is typically 1 nA, risetime is 0.2 ms, and falltime is 0.8 ms. The device is useful for light-detection applications, including as a light dimmer for liquid-crystal-display panels.
Hamamatsu Corp., Bridgewater, NJ

Avalanche photodiodes

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Large-area avalanche photodiodes (LAAPDs) come in integrated, cooled modules. The 631 is ac-coupled and the 641 is dc-coupled, and both can accommodate the company's 571 Series thermoelectrically cooled LAAPD detectors. They operate over a wide ambient temperature range, with stable operating gain up to 300 with minimal noise and dark current. They come in 5-, 10-, and 16-mm diameters with peak quantum efficiency >80% and spectral response tailored to ultraviolet, blue, or red/infrared spectral regions.
Advanced Photonix, Camarillo, CA


The Minifire is a 1-in.-aperture Fizeau optical test interferometer. It has better than lambda/20 accuracy and can be mounted vertically or horizontally. It can be outfitted with a full range of transmission spheres and mounts as well as phase shifting and static fringe analysis.
Precision-Optical Engineering, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, England

Image-acquisition board

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The IMAQ PCI-1411 offers real-time conversion of NTSC, PAL, and S-Video formats to the hue, saturation, and luminance image planes. Applications include inspecting LEDs, fabric and textiles, and color paint and powder.
National Instruments, Austin, TX

Frame grabber

The FlashPoint 3D Plus video frame grabbers allow a choice between the new AGP format and the standard PCI. The units have multiple video inputs and triggers, Comp and S-Video outputs, progressive-scan camera support, and a programmable microcontroller for precise trigger and grab timing.
Integral Technologies, Indianapolis, IN

Wavefront sensors

WaveScope uses the geometric Shack Hartmann technique to measure wavefront phase. It works at any wavelength, does not require a coherent monochromatic light source, and is insensitive to vibration. It fits into standard laboratory and industrial optical systems. It also measures beam intensity and the M2 of lasers and can derive control signals for deformable mirrors.
Adaptive Optics Associates, Cambridge, MA

InGaAs detector

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The IL SED(SEL)007 sealed InGaAs detector has a flat spectral response and operates at room temperature without cooling or the need for a chopper. It has >0.9 A/W sensitivity, >1 Gomega shunt resistance, low dark current, and low noise. It operates over 850-1650 nm and is 3 mm in diameter.
International Light, Newburyport, MA

Motion controller

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The DMC-13x8 Optima Series VME motion controller is available in one- through four-axis formats, enabling control of both step and servo motors on any combination of axes. It has 64 programmable input/outputs, 12-MHz encoder inputs, multitasking of up to eight programs, sinusoidal commutation for brushless motors, high-density shielded cable for noise immunity, and command processing rates up to 0.5 ms.
Galil Motion Control, Mountain View, CA

Circular polarizers

Circular polarizer panels suppress reflections and enhance contrast in emissive displays. The standard polarizer is a composite of a linear polarizer with 38% transmittance and a quarter-wave retarder at 550 nm, and customized versions are available.
International Polarizer, Marlborough, MA

Calibration filters

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Glass filters for spectrophotometry can be used for instrument calibration and verification. The 1-in.-diameter filters are designed as the secondary measure throughout various spectra for wavelength and transmission calibration to NIST standards.
Lambda Research Optics, Cerritos, CA

Laser-diode module

The LGT laser-diode module now offers the Nichia blue-violet laser diode (400 nm, 1-mW power). The LGT series contains a precision temperature-control unit for the laser diode and allows reducing power fluctuation of a laser diode to 1%.
LG Laser Graphics GmbH, Kleinostheim, Germany

Fiberoptic couplers

Polarization-maintaining fiberoptic couplers are available for 1550, 1480, and 1310 nm and other wavelengths. The 1 x 2 and 2 x 2 couplers are available 50/50 split, as well as other split ratios. Features include an extinction ratio >20 dB, excess loss <1.0 dB, and return loss >60 dB.
Micro-Optics, Hackettstown, NJ

Fiberoptic light source

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The GN-6150 is a dual-wavelength 850/1300-nm multimode LED light source, while the GN-6250 and GN-6260 are dual-wavelength single-mode laser light sources operating at 1310/1550 and 1550/ 1625 nm, respectively. They operate CW or at 2 kHz and can be powered by ac, by NiCd, or alkaline batteries.
GN Nettest, Utica, NY


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An interlaced silicon photodiode sensor with integral reticle gives this encoder a resolution of 1024 parts per revolution. The device has a high tolerance to mechanical system change and contamination.
Schmitz Engineering, Burlington, WI

Red pulse generator

The Model 065 module produces 10 mW of pulse and continuous-wave light at 650 nm via fiber. Pulsewidth, delay, and amplitude can be independently adjusted. Internally or externally triggered operations allow repetition rates up to 100 MHz. External drive or modulation provide rates of 300 or 700 MHz, respectively. Impulse operation offers subnanosecond pulses.
Berkeley Nucleonics Corp., San Rafael, CA


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Very-low-order waveplates come in a variety of sizes. Between 75 and 125 µm thick, they are less sensitive to changes in temperature, wavelength, and acceptance angles than thicker multiple-order waveplates. Thicknesses less than 50 µm for blue or green laser applications are available.
Valpey Fisher Ultrasound and Optics Div., Hopkinton, MA

Optical adhesive

Lens Bond SK-9 white optical adhesive is available in 80-100-cps viscosity, as well as in a 40- and 60-cps version. The bond has high wetting and low shrinkage. Pre-cure takes 3 to 5 s and full cure less than an hour.
Summers Optical, Fort Washington, PA

Illumination optics

Visicor Illumination Optics for projection illumination systems replace a three- to four-element projection system with one or two elements, using specialty glass and a proprietary thin-film coating technology. The coated material rejects infrared and ultraviolet light, transmitting only in the visible spectrum. The material can be molded, simplifying design and reducing weight and cost.
Corning OCA Corp., Garden Grove, CA

Ion-beam source

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The 6 x 66-cm RF linear ion-beam source is designed for producing large substrates for flat-panel displays and thin-film applications, including optical coatings involving metal oxides and other dielectric materials. The inductively coupled design provides the proper current densities and uniformities for preclean, etch, and ion-beam deposition, and for ion-beam-assisted deposition applications.
Ion Tech, Fort Collins, CO

Heat exchangers

The 6000 series copper heat exchangers are designed for applications using water or other common fluids as the coolant. The compact units are designed for OEM applications when appearance is important and are painted with electrostatic dip for corrosion protection. The series comes in eight different models of various sizes and have straight tube, beaded tube, and 37° flare nut fitting options.
Lytron, Woburn, MA

PMT preamplifier

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The F-100TD replaces a preamplifier, linear amplifier, and lower-level discriminator in processing pulses from a photomultiplier tube. The hand-sized device can be placed adjacent to a detector to reduce noise. It has more precise and reproducible threshold control and monitoring than previous devices and displays a digital reading of the actual threshold voltage.
Advanced Research Instruments Corp., Boulder, CO

Fiber-coupled laser diodes

The FiberMax single-mode fiber-pigtailed laser modules are based on the company's µlens technology and fiber packaging and offer maximum power output and thermal stability with no need for thermoelectric cooling.
Blue Sky Research, San Jose, CA

Fluorescence decay software

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FluoFit multiexponential fluorescence decay fit software for PCs can fit up to three-exponential decay models to observed data. A robust guess algorithm aids quick convergence after a few iterations. Many parameters and options can be adjusted manually. The 32-bit software is available for Windows 95, 98, and NT.
PicoQuant GmbH, Berlin, Germany

Power supply

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The MPS-7000 power supply controls all dc ion-source operating parameters and allows operation in manual, automatic, and remote modes. All voltages and currents are displayed on a LCD touch screen. Up to 99 parameter sets can be stored and recalled in memory. The front panel can be removed for remote clean-room operations up to 30 m away.
Ion Tech, Fort Collins, CO

Progressive scan cameras

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The GP-MF852PT high-speed progressive scan camera produces more than 500 lines of horizontal resolution in 5 lux at f1.4 with a signal-to-noise ratio of more than 56 dB and contains a 2/3-in. charge-coupled device. The GP-MF802 has a 1/3-in. CCD and delivers 480 lines of resolution at 6.5 lux and a signal-to-noise ratio of more than 56 dB.
Panasonic Industrial/Medical Group, Secaucus, NJ

Time-of-flight detector *** The Bipolar Advanced Performance time-of-flight detector offers high levels of temporal resolution, dynamic range, and mass detection sensitivity for time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The low-profile assembly contains a high-sensitivity microchannel plate and an electro-optically isolated signal read out. It can be floated up to °10 kV and can detect either positive or negative ions.
Burle Electro-Optics, Sturbridge, MA

Intensified CCD camera

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The IntelliGate intensified CCD has no prepulse and a fast rising edge on its microchannel-plate gating pulse, ensuring highly transparent operation in the UV and an on/off ratio of 1:107. Software allows the user to select the level of amplification and control the gater operation.
Andor, Belfast, Northern Ireland

Infrared sensors

The HOA6299 Series through-beam infrared-sensor modules have fast response time, direct TTL interface, and buffer logic. The emitter and detector come in separate modules for variable spacing, with minimum separation of 63.5 mm. The modules, in dust protective housing, operate at 0°C to 50°C.
Honeywell Sensing and Control, Freeport, IL


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The Ameritemp series chiller for lasers features temperature control to within 0.5°C, low-flow and fluid indicators, a large reservoir with level indication, a pump, and external plumbing. The stainless-steel housing takes up less than 7.5 in. of bench-top space. The chiller operates on 115 Vac at 4.2 A with a 215-W capacity. Heating and external communications are optional.
Teca Corp., Chicago, IL

Aspherical lenses

Molded glass aspheres can be manufactured with more than 15 types of glass materials. Outer diameter of the lenses range from 1.8 to 60 mm, and surface roughness can be as low as 10 mm. Molds that can produce 100,000 lens elements eliminate most lot-to-lot variations. Molded aspheres are available for digital-camera lenses, lasers, and fiberoptics.
Kyocera Corp., San Diego, CA

Power supplies

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New LS series capacitor-charging power supplies for medical and industrial lasers range in size from 500 to 5500 J/s and are packaged in the shoebox and flat-pack OEM styles. The LS252 can be equipped with 24-Vdc auxiliary output, and the LS402 replaces 3500-J/s models.
Kaiser Systems, Beverly, MA

Pyroelectric detectors

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A line of 25- and 50-mm pyroelectric detectors can be configured to measure the energy levels of 200-µJ to 10-J pulses with pulse durations as long as 5 ms and wavelengths from 190 nm to 25 µm.
Scientech, Boulder, CO

High-speed amplifiers

HSA series amplifiers from Femto GmbH for time-resolved measurements can be used with photomultipliers and avalanche or PIN photodiodes. HSA-X amplifiers have an integrated bias coil, a bandwidth up to 2 GHz, a gain up to 60 dB, and low noise of 1.9 dB. HSA-Y amplifiers have the same features, plus a dc monitor for detector control and a second equivalent signal output for triggering or signal control.
Laser Components, Santa Rosa, CA

Test source

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The ASE-FL7200 white-light test source produces amplified spontaneous emission from 1440 to 1500 nm with a high spectral power density for testing optical components related to 1.47-µm pumping for 1.5-µm EDFAs. It is made from a thulium-doped fluoride fiber optically pumped by a single laser diode. Total output power is >+1 dBm at 1.25 mW, with typical spectral density =<20 dBm/nm at 1450 to 1490 nm.Thorlabs, Newton, NJ

Beam profiler

The LS-2000 LaserTest beam profiler comes with a universal serial bus or a PCI card, 32-bit software for Windows 95, 98, or NT, and on-screen calibration for fiberoptic beams. Statistical functions include xy profiles, beam statistics, and M2 measurements. Any analog video source can be used as input to cover lasers and LEDs at all wavelengths.
SensorPhysics, Oldsmar, FL


The R-11-075-G-A/B and R-11-300-G-A/B PIN photodiodes from Optronics International are made of indium gallium arsenide and feature high responsivity at both 1310 and 1550 nm, low dark current, high-speed response, operation from -40°C to 85°C, and active diameters of 75 and 300 µm. They come in hermetically sealed TO46 packages with flat windows in the A version and lensed windows in the B version.
Photonic Products Ltd., Newport, Essex, England

Color camera

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The VC65/C color industrial smart camera has 24-bit red-green-blue color and a progressive scan sensor. The device is 117 x 50 x 36 mm and has up to 8 Mbytes of RAM, a charge-coupled-device sensor that provides 782 x 582 RGB pixels, shutter speed from 1/100,000 to 20 s, four 12-24-V inputs, four 150-mA outputs, an RS-232 serial interface, and pixel-identical sensor readout.
Vision Components, Cambridge, MA

Beam-expander accessory

A reflective beam-expander accessory for the analysis of large optics using the Interfire range of infrared interferometers operates at 3.39 and 10.6 µm, with a wavefront accuracy of lambda/10. It has a Newtonian configuration, providing an intermediate focused image for efficient relaying of optical pupils. The unit can be bolted to an optical bench with height adjustment and contains a matched pair of aluminum mirrors with magnesium fluoride protective coatings.
Precision-Optical Engineering, Hitchin, Herts., England

Linear optocoupler

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The SLC800 linear optocoupler is capable of better than 0.1% precision matching between output and servo optocouplers across a high-voltage isolation barrier. The small package makes it suitable for isolation amplifiers in telecommunication and medical applications, such as digital-telephone and medical-sensor isolation circuitry.
Solid State Optronics, San Jose, CA


An interferometer designed as a monolithic structure for FTIR spectroscopy contains two mirrors and a beamsplitter fused with top and bottom glass plates of the same material. The assembly is used with a single PLX hollow retroreflector to separate and recombine the beams for a double-pass configuration accommodating any wavelength. It comes in quartz or BK7 for visible and near-IR uses or with a KBr beamsplitter for far-IR.
PLX, Deer Park, NY

PDL source

The series EVPLS electronically variable polarization-dependent-loss (PDL) source is designed for simulation of and compensation for fluctuating PDL in fiberoptic networks over a range of 0.05 to 0.50 dB. It can also be used for calibration of fiberoptic instruments. The driver can remotely control up to four devices, and the device comes with a choice of pigtail fiber and connector types.
Taliescent, Tucson, AZ

Laser cutting system

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The Laserdyne 790 BeamDirector is a high-speed cutting, drilling, or welding system for flat or 3-D parts that can be integrated with either Nd:YAG or CO2 lasers. The system can specify total volumetric accuracy as a performance specification and has a fully integrated automatic focus control. Five-axis beam motion allows a part to remain stationary during processing.
GSI Lumonics, Kanata, Ont., Canada

Optical encoders

A line of compact optical encoder systems for use in a variety of closed-loop motion-control systems have sensors that enhance the first orders of diffraction to create a pure signal via a laser light source. A variety of rotary and linear gratings are available with a choice of three electronic modules, allowing interpolation out to 14 bits with 2.5-µm to <1-nm resolution.
MicroE Systems Corp., Natick, MA

Smart CMOS camera

The MVS-135 CMOS sensor is programmable via a serial interface. With 512 x 512 pixels, it has dynamics of 120 dB and allows for random pixel access. The effective pixel rate of 2.4 MHz makes it possible to read 235 frames/s for a window of 100 x 100 pixels. The camera has a C/CS-mount lens fitting.
Fastcom Technology SA, Lausanne, Switzerland

Variable optical attenuators

The high-speed Eclipse variable optical attenuators are solid-state and fit in a 1.03 x 0.4-in. package. Optical signal strength can be adjusted over the complete 20-dB range in less than 500 µs. Depending on the application, the device can be set to maintain an electronically adjustable value of either attenuation or output power.
NZ Applied Technologies, Woburn, MA

Laser power meter

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The Orion/PD laser power meter supports all Ophir photodiode heads (200-1800 nm) and has a nanowatt to 3-W dynamic range. It is wavelength-corrected at 1 nm with user-selected wavelength and displays output in watts and dBm. Connector heads automatically configure and calibrate the meter when plugged in.
Ophir Optronics, Danvers, MA

SVR amplifiers

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Triple-channel SVR amplifiers are used for piezoelectric actuation and provide an asymmetric bipolar voltage range for maximum actuator stroke. They are available for -30- to +150-V, -100- to +500-V, and -200- to +1000-V ranges and have a noise below 1 mV. Stroke is increased by 30% compared to a unipolar driving mode.
Piezomechanik GmbH, Munich, Germany

Microscope camera

The PriorCam charge-coupled-device camera mounts to almost any microscope or optical system. It has an 8-mm C-mount lens, an adjustable aperture, 400 TV lines of resolution, 291,000 total pixels, a custom metal eyepiece adapter, 28- and 34-mm couples, an 8-ft extension cable, and 12-Vdc power supply.
Prior Scientific, Rockland, MA

CO2 lasers

The dc-excited Lance CO2 laser is available in 2500- and 3500-W models. A compact monobloc design contains all components, including the power supply. Feedback control results in long-term optical power stability of °0.5%. Laser operation is controlled by an industrial PLC that also adapts to specific requirements.
Convergent Energy, Sturbridge, MA

Fiber-coupled laser diodes

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The iFLEX-200 series, a range of diodes permanently coupled to single-mode fibers, offers seven operating wavelengths from 635 to 830 nm, with output power from 1 to 50 mW. Fiber length can be from 1 to 10 m, and a choice of output termination is available. Optional accessories include prefitted power supplies, miniature collimating optics, and fiberoptic connectors.
Point Source, Winchester, Hampshire, England

Beam-steering gauge

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An adjustable laser-beam steerer for the Microgage optical alignment device directs a laser beam to a portable digital receiver, which gives position readings on a readout display and to a computer. The device, for machinery alignment, calibration, and geometric measurement, allows measurement to 0.001 or 0.00001 in. over distances from 1 in. to 50 ft.
Pinpoint Laser Systems, Newburyport, MA

Pulsed Nd:YLF lasers

Blue and panchromatic compact Nd:YLF lasers produce pulses in the nanosecond-duration range. Panchromatic versions produce TEM00 single-longitudinal-mode radiation at 438, 526.5, and 657 nm at a variety of output energies up to 1 J and repetition rates to 10 Hz. Blue versions produce 438-nm light. Laser head is 60 x 30 x 15 cm in size.
Geola UAB, Vilnius, Lithuania

DPSS laser

The StarLine 2030/0.5 diode-pumped solid-state (DPSS) laser system produces pulse energies of 8 mJ at 1064 nm with a 13-ns duration and a TEM00 beam profile. It also offers pulse energies of 5 mJ at 532 nm, 3 mJ at 355 nm, and 1 mJ at 266 nm. Diode lifetime is double that of previous models.
Lambda Physik, Fort Lauderdale, FL

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