New Products

Aug. 1, 2000
OptoLink offers information faster; Short-pulse laser; High-brightness LEDs; and more ...

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Short-pulse laser

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A new version of the Mai Tai one-box Ti:sapphire laser generates pulsewidths of less than 30 fs, with an average output power of more than 300 mW. Spectral bandwidth is greater than 30 nm, centered at a nominal 800 nm. The laser uses negative-dispersion-cavity mirrors and modelocking through a solid-state saturable Bragg reflector.
Spectra-Physics, Mountain View, CA

High-brightness LEDs

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A full spectrum of LEDs provides up to 5000-mcd luminous intensity at 20 mA, depending upon color, for use in display systems. The LEDs are available in T-1 and T-13/4 sizes in viewing angles from 16° to 50°. The standard two-lead through-hole top-emitting devices operate at from 2 to 4.5 Vdc
Gilway Technical Lamp, Woburn, MA

IR imaging module

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The Wizard uncooled infrared imaging module contains an 8-14-µm PST ferroelectric focal-plane array. The module has a sensitivity of less than 50 mK, works at true video frame rates, and supports European and North American video standards, with image-processing algorithms included. It has an effective image resolution of 256 x 512 pixels.
BAE Systems, Southampton, Hampshire, England

Fiber interconnect

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The Optical Flex Circuitry System for high-fiber-count systems is designed for connecting backplanes and crossconnect systems in computers and telecommunications equipment. Direct or fusion-spliced terminations are available. Nonfusion splice lead lengths are available up to 2 m. Each flex circuit can be tested down to the per-port insertion loss and return loss.
Molex, Lisle, IL

Circular-beam laser diode

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The DLSC series circular-beam laser-diode module is designed for alignment and aiming applications that require a circular spot, without relying on optics to correct an elliptical beam such as that from a 633-nm HeNe laser. The modules are available in a choice of wavelengths and output powers.
Lasiris, St.-Laurent, Que., Canada

Compact optical transponder

The V23827-T18-C530 OC192 transponder links high-end routers to metropolitan networks at transmission speeds of 10 Gbit/s over a distance of up to 10 km. Electrical parallel data and clock of 16:1 low-voltage-differential signal is transmitted at a data rate 622 Mbit/s over 16 channels. The module has a power consumption of 6 W. The transponder's directly modulated DFB laser does not require internal cooling, enabling a device size of only 3 x 1.6 x 0.6 in.
Infineon Technologies, San Jose, CA

Precision metal optics

Precision optical components with plane, spherical, and aspherical geometries, made from copper and aluminum alloys, nickel, and optical crystals, are typically in the IR- through UV-spectral range with dimensions from a few millimeters up to 1 m. Customized optics can be produced within several days. Geometry accuracies are <λ/10 (at 633 nm), and residual roughness values are Ra <2 nm. Complex, high-precision prisms and polygons with reflection-enhancing coatings are also available as are custom mold inserts with submicron tolerances used in plastic forming and similar applications.
Kugler GmbH, Salem, Germany

CCD camera

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The SMD-BT25 area-scan camera is designed for high-end applications such as semiconductor inspection and new medical-screening techniques. Backside-thinned CCD applications have been limited to astronomy and other applications where capturing a single image can take many minutes. The SMD-BT25 provides more than ten-fold increase in speed needed by the automated inspection market. The CL-T5 tri-TD color camera combines time-delay-and-integration technology with user-controlled sensitivity to provide a linescan camera for imaging applications such as on-press print inspection. The TL-50 is a CMOS-imager-based product specifically designed for high-performance imaging applications such as document scanning, web inspection, and manufacturing machine vision.
DALSA, Waterloo, Ont., Canada

Reflectance-spectroscopy accessory

A RSA-FTIR-I reflectance-spectroscopy accessory installed in a standard FTIR spectrometer measures diffuse reflectance, total reflectance, or transmittance over the near- to mid-IR region. It has a 76-mm-diameter integrating sphere with a metallic gold coating with optimum spectral range of 0.7 to 20 µm. A downward viewing sample port allows flexible handling of powders, liquids, and particulate samples.
Labsphere, North Sutton, NH

Fiberoptic transceivers

The Fiber Jack fiberoptic transceivers are half the size of typical SC transceivers, improving spacing on printed-circuit boards. The transceivers are available for applications including fast Ethernet, gigabit Ethernet, or ATM. They are SFF multisource agreement compliant.
Panduit Corp., Tinley Park, IL

Fiberoptic illuminators

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The A-240 150-W dc voltage-stabilized fiberoptic illuminator features lamp modules controlled via a remote power supply. Such a configuration is useful in machine-vision applications where the light source is mounted into a machine or onto a robotic arm. The A-240 allows users to position the power supply away from the inspection area, saving space. The units have UL agency approval (CE is pending) and are backed by a lifetime warranty.
Dolan-Jenner Industries, Lawrence, MA

CCD detector

The Spec-10:256 digital detection system for optical spectroscopy has a CCD with response from UV to NIR, a 1024 x 256-pixel format with 26 x 26-µm pixels, and 16-bit digitization. It is available with front- and back-illuminated CCDs that can be cooled below -70°C. In the NIR it provides good quantum efficiency and does not suffer etaloning.
Roper Scientific, Tucson, AZ

Color uniformity tester

The MURATest system provides 2-D uniformity analysis of luminance and color coordinates of display devices. Uniformity analysis can be achieved in less than 1 min from the host PC via a USB interface. Accuracy for luminance is 3%; color accuracy on x-y is 0.005. The system is designed to reproduce the human pupil from 2 to 8 mm.
ELDIM, Herouville St. Clair, France

Chiller protocol

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Kodiak recirculating chillers now include the RS232 communications protocol for remote monitoring and control either manually or by computer. OEMs can review chiller data on a remote computer to analyze operating trends and to troubleshoot. The protocol controls parameters including actual process temperature, process temperature setpoint, coolant pressure, cooling status, and status of temperature and flow alarms.
Lytron, Woburn, MA

Optical network transceiver

The GTIO-1310TR is a fully integrated, single-power-supply, 10-Gbit/s transceiver optimized for OC192/STM64 applications. A directly modulated 1310-nm laser and a PIN detector-based optical receiver convert data streams between the electrical and optical domains. A laser driver, along with receiver amplifiers, is also incorporated. A 16:1 MUX and a 1:16 DEMUX translate between OC-192/STM-64 and OC-12/STM-4 data rates. The unit measures 5.0 x 4.0 x 0.7 in. with an integrated heat sink. All sensitive active components are hermetically sealed. The transceiver module runs on a single +5-V power supply, with signals interfaced via twin 80-pin surface-mount connectors. Optical signals are accessed via fiber pigtails with customer specified connectors.
GTRAN, Westlake Village, CA

Low-cost fiberoptic test kit

The FOtest'R OSP Cable Test Kit can test 1300-nm single-mode fiber networks and cable plants in outside-plant environments, including telco, CATV, and utilities. The kit sells for $995 and includes a fiberoptic power meter and a 1300-nm laser source, both terminated in SC connectors.
Fotec, Medford, MA

Fiberoptic connectors

The MT-RJ system of fiberoptic connectors and cable assemblies are available in 50- and 62.5-µm multimode versions. The form factor can be a drop-in replacement for copper-based RJ-45 plug-and-jack systems and allows a doubling of port density. They can be used for fast Ethernet, gigabit Ethernet, and Fibre Channel networking.
Methode Electronics, Chicago, IL

Quartz halogen lamps

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A full line of quartz halogen lamps feature high-temperature mating holders that are made with ceramic bodies and spring-loaded pin contacts. The holders are rated at 230°C. The lamps have no IR or UV blockers, operate from 300 nm to 4.8 µm, and have powers ranging from 10 to 400 W. Holder sizes include G4, GY6.35, and GX5.3 bases.
Gilway Technical Lamp, Woburn, MA

Fiber-laser marking system

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The LightWriter F10 is a compact 10-W fiber laser designed for marking semiconductor packages and other small plastic devices. The basic platform can be configured in a variety of standard configurations, including a power-distribution box, choice of scan lenses, computer, I/O cards, and software. Multiple marking-head capability is available for high throughput and large mark-field requirements.
GSI Lumonics, Kanata, Ont., Canada

LIV test system

The LIV Test System is designed for testing the light intensity-current-voltage of laser-diode modules used in fiberoptic telecom applications and includes control of the TEC, a critical part of LDM assemblies. The TEC SourceMeter controller provides temperature stability typically ±0.005°C or better. A typical system consists of a Model 2400 Digital SourceMeter to drive the laser diode, a Model 2510 TEC SourceMeter, and two Model 6517A Electrometers.
Keithley Instruments, Cleveland, OH

Filter sets

Alpha Vivid filter sets for signal-to-noise enhancement in low-light-level imaging applications have steep passband slopes to achieve deeper blocking between exciter and emitter and decrease background noise. The passbands can be placed closer together for transmission of more of the excitation and emission energy of dyes. The filters are made without autofluorescent absorption glasses.
Omega Optical, Brattleboro, VT

Laser-diode bonders

The Model 860 Omni bonder can be configured to bond laser diodes or flip chips. The joystick-controlled semiautomatic system aligns and attaches die sizes from 0.006 to 1 in. square at a throughput rate of 120 placements/h with accuracy of ±5 µm.
Semiconductor Equipment Corp., Moorpark, CA

Flat-panel imaging sensor

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The C7410 flat-panel sensor is an x-ray imaging device that combines a C-MOS image sensor, fiberoptic scintillator (FOS), ICs, and control circuits to produce digital images at a TV scan rate in real time. Integral elements of the C7410 are the C-MOS sensor, which features a 2-D active detector matrix of 256 x 256 photodiodes with FET switches, and the FOS, comprising a fiberoptic plate with a Csl scintillator. The C-MOS photodiode array is sensitive to the blue-green emission of the Csl scintillator in the FOS. The C7410 can be used for medical diagnosis, biomedical analysis, and any other application requiring real-time digital x-ray imaging and processing.
Hamamatsu Corp., Bridgewater, NJ

Optical transceivers

The NetLight 2417 suite consists of four transceivers for fiberoptic networks. Each transceiver is 0.5 in. wide, meeting the industry's small-form-factor agreement. The devices support gigabit Ethernet, Fibre Channel, ATM, and SONET applications and use a Fabry-Perot laser and a PIN photodetector. They can connect with the company's LC connectors.
Lucent Technologies Microelectronics Group, Allentown, PA

Portable Raman spectrometer

The InPhotote is a portable Raman spectrometer designed for on-site identification of chemicals of forensic interest. The new version has been reduced in volume and weighs 20 lb. The device comprises a 785-nm laser, spectrograph, and TE-cooled CCD camera. A notebook computer and fiberoptic-sampling device complete the system. Also available is the Forensic Raman Spectral Library, a collection of 243 spectra with better than 4-cm-1 resolution of explosives, narcotics, and solvents.
InPhotonics, Norwood, MA

Fiberoptic cabling kit

An installation kit for the FutureFLEX Air-Blown Fiber Optic Cabling System includes a blowing head device and payoff frame preinstalled on a tray. The kit also holds a fiber bundle reel and all auxiliary components for system setup and installation of fiber.
Sumitomo Electric Lightwave Corp., Research Triangle Park, NC

Regenerative modelocked driver

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A new driver for acousto-optic modelockers in the 60- to 110-MHz range is for visible and near-IR lasers. The unit locks onto the laser and synchronously drives the modulator at half the locked frequency. Modulator drive power is up to 1 W. In addition to the main output, there is an auxiliary 2 V into 500 output at the laser frequency. The unit has a universal power supply. A SMA fiberoptic input is provided with 2 m of 200-µm fiber and an input beam-focusing lens.
Kentech Instruments Ltd., Didcot, Oxon., England

Borescope video system

The Luxxor 2000 Video System includes a camera with 370 lines of horizontal resolution, a video adapter to couple the borescope to any video camera, and a 24-W metal-halide lamp. The camera can be replaced with a 470-line resolution model, and color monitors are also available.
Gradient Lens Corp., Rochester, NY

UV avalanche photodiode

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Vacuum-ultraviolet large-area avalanche photodiodes are optimized for 157 nm where they deliver a gain of 250 and can sense wavelengths as short as 100 nm. The devices, for photolithography and spectroscopic techniques, are supplied windowless with standard active-area diameters of 3, 5, 10, and 16 mm and QEs up to 120%.
Advanced Photonix, Camarillo, CA

Blackbody calibration source

The model M365 blackbody calibration source has a temperature range of 100°C to 1100°C, accuracy of ±0.25% of reading ±1 digit, emissivity of 0.999, and 0.10° resolution. It is controlled via a digital self-tuning PID controller. It can act as a calibration source for infrared thermometers, radiometers, heat flux meters, thermal imaging systems, and spectrographic analysis equipment.
Mikron Instrument Co., Oakland, NJ

NIR analyzer

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The QualitySpec on-line near-infrared (NIR) analyzer measures reflectance, transmittance, and transflectance over a spectral range of 350 to 2500 nm with a scan speed of 100 ms. Spectral resolution is 3 nm at 700 nm and 10 nm at 1400 and 2100 nm, with a sampling interval of 1.4 nm from 350 to 1000 nm and 2 nm from 1000 to 2500 nm.
Analytical Spectral Devices, Boulder, CO

Laser mirrors

The 193-FR45e enhanced mirrors deliver 193-nm reflectance of 97% to 99% at 45°. The mirrors are designed to withstand damage in systems with a high repetition rate and high average power. They are available in standard sizes of 1-, 1.5-, and 2-in. diameters and can be custom built. Customer-provided material can also be coated.
Roper Scientific/Acton Research, Acton, MA

Multiaxis positioning systems

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Multiaxis linear motor positioning systems provide velocities up to 3 m/s and accelerations up to 6 g. Linear encoders provide up to 0.1-µm accuracy and are built into each slide. The bearing preload is automatically adjusted for best performance during thermal expansion and high accelerations.
Bayside Motion Group, Port Washington, NY

Isolators and couplers

The optolinks line of optoisolators and optocouplers are available in both dual in-line parallel and surface-mount technology packages, with one, two, or four emitter-detector channels per package. They include configurations with photo-IC detectors, phototransistor detectors, and photo-Darlington detectors, the latter two either with or without base.
Lumex, Palatine, IL

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From Life Sciences to Industry: Advancements in Optical Filters

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Optical filters are increasingly used in VR, advanced medical imaging, environmental monitoring, and satellite communications. This whitepaper highlights Chroma’s technical advancements...

Optical Filters for Semiconductor Inspection

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At Chroma Technology, we understand that the quality of your optical filters directly impacts the accuracy of your inspection processes and ultimately, the performance of your...

Optical Filters for Astronomy Applications

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At Chroma we manufacture the highest quality, narrow-band spectral line filters for astronomy. Our narrow passbands provide the precision and accuracy to ensure your spectral ...

Chroma is a leading manufacturer of highly precise optical filters

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Chroma is known for exceptional customer service and technical support. They produce durable, high-performance optical filters with a spectral range of 200-3000nm, serving diverse...

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