sCMOS camera from Photonic Science targets low light level requirements
A new high-sensitivity, full-HDTV, low-noise, cooled sCMOS camera delivers read-out noise as low as 1.2 e- at 100 MHz overall scanning frequency. Targeted to users with low light level requirements, intra-scene dynamic range is > 20,000:1.
Photonic Science
East Sussex, England
[email protected]
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Photonic Science full HDTV low noise sCMOS camera
Delivers read out noise as low as 1.2 electrons at 100MHz overall scanning frequency and genuine 16 bit dynamic range at 30 fps.
The new high sensitivity full HDTV low noise cooled sCMOS camera from PSL delivers read out noise as low as 1.2 electrons at 100MHz overall scanning frequency.
It is targeted to users with low light level requirements, seeking real time acquisition with high intra scene dynamic range > 20.000:1.
The camera is actively compensating for fixed pattern noise, non uniform response and gain balance on a parallel bus read out architecture. Our camera can be triggered with rolling shutter mode at 30 fps, in full area scan or with reduced ROI scan for faster acquisition rates up to 3000 fps.
The small pixel size and good quantum efficiency make the camera an ideal candidate for fluorescence microscopy applications, hyperspectral imaging, on-line process control, low-light level imaging and spectroscopy applications
The camera comes with a Gigabyte Ethernet or Camera Link interfaces and can be easily integrated into a networked instrumentation environment.
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