High-accuracy, high-damage-threshold energy sensor for medical lasers

July 31, 2009
Coherent has introduced a laser-pulse-energy sensor specifically optimized for use with medical lasers that combines high accuracy, high damage threshold, and a large active area. The J-50MB-IR EnergyMax Sensor measures laser-beam diameters up to 30 mm, from 1 mJ to 3J, over the 500 nm to 3 micron spectral range.

Coherent has introduced a laser-pulse-energy sensor specifically optimized for use with medical lasers that combines high accuracy, high damage threshold, and a large active area. The J-50MB-IR EnergyMax Sensor measures laser-beam diameters up to 30 mm, from 1 mJ to 3J, over the 500 nm to 3 µm spectral range. It is particularly optimized for use with long-pulse, infrared lasers, making it compatible with the holmium (2100 nm), erbium (2940 nm), ruby (694 nm), and Nd:YAG (532 and 1064 nm) lasers commonly used for hair removal and other aesthetic dermatological treatments and dental procedures. The sensor combines Coherent's MaxBlack coating and a large-area pyroelectric detector with a set of integrated diffusers to achieve a damage threshold that is five times higher than was previously available.
Santa Clara, CA

Posted by C. Settino, www.laserfocusworld.com


First High Accuracy, High Damage Threshold Energy Sensor for Medical Lasers

Santa Clara, Calif., July 30, 2009 – Coherent Inc. (Santa Clara, CA) (Nasdaq: COHR) has introduced a laser pulse energy sensor specifically optimized for use with medical lasers that combines high accuracy, high damage threshold and a large active area. The new J-50MB-IR EnergyMax™ Sensor measures laser beam diameters up to 30 mm from 1 mJ to 3J, over the 500 nm to 3 µm spectral range. It is particularly optimized for use with long pulse, infrared lasers, making it compatible with the Holmium (2100 nm), Erbium (2940 nm), Ruby (694 nm) and Nd:YAG (532 nm and 1064 nm) lasers commonly used for hair removal and other aesthetic dermatological treatments and dental procedures.

The J-50MB-IR combines Coherent's unique MaxBlack™ coating and a large area pyroelectric detector, together with a set of integrated diffusers, to achieve a damage threshold that is five times higher than that available from competitive products. Furthermore, built in spectral compensation delivers an energy measurement accuracy of ±3% over the entire 500 nm to 3 µm spectral range, which is over twice the accuracy of any other sensor available for this wavelength range.

The J-50MB-IR also offers enhanced convenience and flexibility over other sensors. In particular, it is more compact, yet offers a larger active area than other available sensors. This enables it to measure larger beams, and also be used in tight spaces inside of instruments. More details about the J-50MB-IR EnergyMax sensor can be found on our website at www.coherent.com/energymax.

Founded in 1966, Coherent, Inc. is a Russell 2000 Index company and a world leader in providing laser-based solutions to the commercial and scientific research markets. Please direct any questions to Sean Bergman, product manager, Photonics Instruments Components Business Unit, at (503) 454-5785, e-mail [email protected]. For more information about Coherent, including product and financial updates, visit our website at http://www.Coherent.com .

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