Imagine Eyes

Orsay F-91400


About Imagine Eyes


18 Rue Charles De Gaulle
Orsay F-91400

More Info on Imagine Eyes

Manufactures high-precision opthalmic diagnostic devices based on adaptive optics for retinal imaging, refractive diagnosis, vision simulation and other vision science applications.


1005 Retinalimaging Fig1

OPHTHALMOLOGY/MEDICAL IMAGING: Retinal imaging advances research, disease diagnosis

Recent instrumentation progress is enabling superior imaging of the retina in both laboratory animals and humans. The effect is better research for neurological disorders, for...
(Image courtesy Carl Zeiss Meditech)
ARVO/ISIE explored advanced uses of OCT imaging of the eyes.

IMAGING FOR OPHTHALMOLOGY: OCT explorations pervade ARVO/ISIE annual meeting

At the annual meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology/International Society for Imaging in the Eye, 20 of the 24 presentations mentioned optical coherence...

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