Photon etc

Montreal, QC H2S 2X3


About Photon etc



5795 Ave Gaspe
Suite 222
Montreal, QC H2S 2X3

More Info on Photon etc

Photon etc. is a Canadian company that offers complete optical analysis solutions based on infrared and hyperspectral optical imaging instrumentation ideal for scientific research and cutting-edge industrial applications.


(Credit: SPIE)
Prism 920x450
Executive Forum

2021 Prism Awards honor photonics innovations

During the 2021 Prism Awards online event, awards were presented to groundbreaking technologies and products in 10 categories ranging from quantum and smart sensing to life sciences...
6 Lfw 6 Photon

Photon etc tunable filter designed to filter supercontinuum sources

The LLTF Contrast can be customized to Ti:sapphire lasers with a tuning range and bandwidth of
(Image: Photon etc.)
Photon etc. instrument targets the emerging field of hyperspectral retinal imaging

Photon etc. instrument targets the emerging field of hyperspectral retinal imaging

Photon etc. has unveiled IRIS, a new instrument for non-invasive localization of biomolecules in the eye fundus.
Content Dam Etc Medialib Platform 7 Laser Focus World Articles Online Exclusive Articles 2010 Global 86571
Lasers & Sources

Tunable laser source from Photon etc. serves as wavelength calibrator

A tunable laser source covers UV-VIS-NIR for a wavelength calibration tool of photometric and radiometric instruments.
Lasers & Sources

Tunable laser source exhibits out-of-band rejection of 10-6

Concerning the November 2009 edition of Laser Focus World, we have read the article on tunable sources–"Fully tunable visible laser source is valuable for biophotonics," by Frank...

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