IRnova AB

Kista SE-164 40


About IRnova AB


Electrum 236
Kista SE-164 40

More Info on IRnova AB

Develops and supplies high quality, high performance, cooled infrared detectors and related components to infrared module, camera and system manufacturers all over the world.



(Courtesy of Sofradir)
A Sofradir VEGA QWIP-based FPA is used for thermal imaging of military vehicles (top left, IR image from QWIP camera; top right, visible image of vehicle). The FPA, housed in its integrated detector dewar assembly, is seen at lower right; the Thales camera into which the assembly is integrated is see at lower left.
Detectors & Imaging

Photonics Products: MWIR and LWIR Detectors: QWIPs capture LWIR images at low cost

With their low cost and high uptime, quantum-well infrared detector focal-plane arrays compete well with mercury cadmium telluride for some uses in the long-wave infrared.

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