Armstrong Optical Ltd

Northampton, Northants NN3 6LG


About Armstrong Optical Ltd


31 Caxton House
Northampton Science Pk
Northampton, Northants NN3 6LG
United Kingdom

More Info on Armstrong Optical Ltd

Supplies optical metrology systems, finished optical components and assemblies, and thermal imaging and thermography cameras. Represents Trioptics, SIOS, SwissOptic, Sydor Instruments, Precitec Optronik, InfraTec, Precision Solutions, Precision Optical Imaging.



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Test & Measurement

Armstrong Optical interferometer includes calibration software

The SP1500 C interferometer from SIOS Messtechnik GmbH has a measuring range of > 15 m and has been designed for high-precision length, angle, and straightness measurements of...
Ophir Optronics' Infrared Optics Group lens
Detectors & Imaging

Armstrong Optical now represents Ophir Optronics group in UK and Ireland

Northampton, England--Effective immediately, Armstrong Optical Ltd. will represent the Infrared Optics Group of Ophir Optronics Ltd., a Newport Corp. brand, in the UK and Ireland...
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Detectors & Imaging

Armstrong Optical car imaging system prevents blind spots during refresh periods

The N-Drive thermal imaging system for automobiles provides detection distances to people of more than 600 m and vehicles to greater than 1 km.

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