Manufactures laser beam measurement and analysis instruments. Product lines include laser power meters, laser beam profilers, beam cameras, thermopile power meters, pyroelectric energy meters, and calorimeters.
The PRONTO-250-EZ portable laser power meter for powers from 0.5 W to 250 W features the company's EZ absorber technology, a low-reflectance, high-damage threshold, and flat surface...
For the fourth straight year, Laser Focus World held its Innovators Awards program, which celebrates the disparate and innovative technologies, products, and systems found in ...
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Quebec City, QC, Canada--Gentec-EO custom calorimeters were chosen to measure the high energies of the BELLA petawatt laser due to their high damage thresholds, high sensitivity...
Traditionally difficult, pulse-energy measurement for high-repetition-rate lasers can now be done by instrumentation that increases accuracy and removes guesswork.
The PC-based M-LINK universal laser power and energy meter is compatible with thermopile, pyroelectric, and photodetector heads in both power and energy modes.
FLASH-IPL probes, specifically designed for intense pulsed light (IPL) sources, are configured to measure intense light pulses at slow repetition rates up to 350 J/pulse with ...
From small commercial devices to large high-energy instruments used in fusion experiments, laser calorimeters provide a means of measuring laser-pulse energy.