Gentec Electro-Optics Inc

Quebec City, QC G2E 5N7


About Gentec Electro-Optics Inc



445 St-Jean Baptiste
Suite 160
Quebec City, QC G2E 5N7

More Info on Gentec Electro-Optics Inc

Manufactures laser beam measurement and analysis instruments. Product lines include laser power meters, laser beam profilers, beam cameras, thermopile power meters, pyroelectric energy meters, and calorimeters.


(Image credit: Gentec-EO)
Test & Measurement

Gentec-EO laser power meter: Booth #957

The PRONTO-250-EZ portable laser power meter for powers from 0.5 W to 250 W features the company's EZ absorber technology, a low-reflectance, high-damage threshold, and flat surface...
(Image credit: Gentec-EO)
Detectors & Imaging

Laser energy detector measures pulses up to 700 J

The QE195LP-S-MB pyroelectric laser energy detector has an effective aperture of 195 mm to measure large beams.
FIGURE 1. Dirty optics can deteriorate the laser beam’s intensity distribution. In this example, dust particles on a lens in the optical system caused large ripples in the beam profiles at the working plane.
Test & Measurement

Quick tutorial: Laser beam profiling with camera-based systems

Know how to measure a beam profile with a CMOS sensor? How about selecting a sensor and pixel size? Or setting up a profiler?
Gentec Eo
Test & Measurement

Power detector series for fiber lasers is calibrated to NIST standards

The HP60A-15KW-GD-QBH power detector series measures fiber lasers with power up to 15 kW.
Gentec Eo
Test & Measurement

Beam splitter attenuates high-power density beams

The BA32-1KW beam splitter measures laser beam profiles with power from milliwatts to 1 kW.
Gentec Eo
Test & Measurement

Laser power detector has a 50 mm aperture

The IS50A-1KW-RS1 integrating sphere laser power detector offers a typical rise time of 0.2 sec.
Gentec Eo
Test & Measurement

Laser power and energy meter features a 217 × 136 mm display

The Miro Altitude laser power and energy meter is compatible with all of the company’s power and energy detectors.
Gentec Eo
Test & Measurement

Integrating sphere detector measures up to 1000 W of continuous power

The IS50A-1KW-RSI fast laser power detector offers a typical rise time of 0.2 sec.
FIGURE 1. Measuring optical power output is key; shown here are laser technicians measuring that of a kilowatt-level fiber laser using Gentec-EO’s MAESTRO power and energy meter.
Test & Measurement

Ensuring accuracy in laser power measurement

Measuring laser power with precise accuracy and efficiency in just seven simple steps? It’s possible.
2110 Lfw Cs Hero

Laser Focus World announces 2021 Innovators Awards

For the fourth straight year, Laser Focus World held its Innovators Awards program, which celebrates the disparate and innovative technologies, products, and systems found in ...

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Photo 88499141 © Korn Vitthayanukarun |
Executive Forum

Photonics Business Moves: December 1, 2023

Here are the top four photonics business moves that made headlines during the week ending December 1, 2023.
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Test & Measurement

Gentec-EO laser power meters make measurements at up to 30 m

The BLU series wireless laser power meters combine a detector and a Bluetooth-enabled meter unit.
Content Dam Lfw Online Articles 2016 07 1608lfw Pro 1
Test & Measurement

Large beam profiler from Gentec-EO measures beams down to 120 microns

The Beamage-4M-FOCUS 4.2 Mpixel laser beam profiling camera features an extra-large aperture of 20.5 mm2 based on an optical fiber taper.
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Test & Measurement

Gentec-EO handheld power meter offers power range from 0.3 nW to 800 mW

The Pronto-Si Compact Laser Power Meter features a 1 cm2 silicon sensor.
The BELLA petawatt laser at LBL is measured by Gentec-EO Calorimeters.

Gentec-EO calorimeters equip BELLA petawatt laser

Quebec City, QC, Canada--Gentec-EO custom calorimeters were chosen to measure the high energies of the BELLA petawatt laser due to their high damage thresholds, high sensitivity...
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Test & Measurement

Gentec-EO releases M2 real-time measurement module

The Beamage-M2 uses Fabry-Perot optics to measure M2 factors in less than a second with no moving parts.
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Detectors & Imaging

High-power detector from Gentec-EO has effective aperture of 55 mm

The UP55C-2.5KW-HD high-power detector delivers up to 2500 W of average power, with a damage threshold of 6 kW/cm2 and a noise level of 200 mW.
FIGURE 1. A schematic depicts an overlapping pattern of ablation used in scribing photovoltaic cells.
Test & Measurement

ADVANCES IN TEST EQUIPMENT: Measuring pulse energy of high-rep-rate lasers in real time

Traditionally difficult, pulse-energy measurement for high-repetition-rate lasers can now be done by instrumentation that increases accuracy and removes guesswork.
Gentec-EO Beamage 3.0 beam profiling camera
Test & Measurement

Gentec-EO debuts USB 3.0 beam profiling camera

The Beamage 3.0 CMOS-based, USB 3.0 camera profiles laser beams measuring a few tens of microns to several millimeters wide.
5 Lfw 1 Gentec
Test & Measurement

Gentec-EO laser power and energy meter measures from 30 fJ to 30 kJ

The PC-based M-LINK universal laser power and energy meter is compatible with thermopile, pyroelectric, and photodetector heads in both power and energy modes.
Content Dam Lfw Online Articles 2011 12 Up55n Vr
Test & Measurement

Gentec-EO power detectors for solid-state pulsed lasers

The UP55N-VR volume absorber power detectors offer a 55 mm Ø aperture to accommodate large beams.
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Lasers & Sources

Gentec-EO handheld laser probes for intense pulsed light sources

FLASH-IPL probes, specifically designed for intense pulsed light (IPL) sources, are configured to measure intense light pulses at slow repetition rates up to 350 J/pulse with ...
Content Dam Etc Medialib New Lib Laser Focus World Online Articles 2010 10 8077
Detectors & Imaging

Gentec EO pyroelectric detector measures wavelengths from UV to far-IR

The QE65 Series pyroelectric detector features a large, 65 × 65 mm aperture.
FIGURE 1. Types of calorimeters vary from small wattmeters to those found in laser fusion systems. This 100-mm2 calorimeter was built to measure from 2 to 100 J at 1053 nm.
Test & Measurement

A 'heated' topic: Laser calorimeters

From small commercial devices to large high-energy instruments used in fusion experiments, laser calorimeters provide a means of measuring laser-pulse energy.