ID Quantique

Geneve 1227


About ID Quantique



Chemin de la Marbrerie 3
Geneve 1227

More Info on ID Quantique

Offers single-photon detection solutions and applications. Its scientific instrumentation product line includes InGaAs/InP and Silicon single-photon counters, 300ps laser sources and a time to digital converter.


2010 Lfw Ia Hero

Laser Focus World announces 2020 Innovators Awards

For the third straight year, Laser Focus World held its Innovators Awards program, which celebrates the disparate and innovative technologies, products, and systems found in the...
(Image credit: ID Quantique)
Park Jung-Ho, CEO and President of SK Telecom (left), and Grégoire Ribordy, co-founder and CEO of ID Quantique (right), at the signing ceremony for their strategic investment plan.
Test & Measurement

ID Quantique partners with South Korean telecom giant on quantum technologies

ID Quantique announced a strategic investment plan of $65 million with SK Telecom to partner on quantum solutions.
(Image credit: ID Quantique)
ID Quantique photon counters will enter space via the PicSat satellite.
Detectors & Imaging

ID Quantique photon counter launched aboard PicSat satellite

The miniature ID101 Visible Photon Counter from ID Quantique is a vital component of the PicSat nano-satellite.
(Image credit: ESA)
ID Quantique will supply single-photon technologies to the next-generation space launch vehicle Ariane 6.
Test & Measurement

Ariane 6 launch program chooses ID Quantique single-photon-counting technology

The technologies developed under this Ariane 6 program require the highest level of performance and reliability.
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Positioning, Support & Accessories

ID Quantique time controller provides counting ability to 1 GHz

The ID900 time controller features reconfigurable logic with 20 ps timing resolution.
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Detectors & Imaging

Single-photon detector from ID Quantique designed for the NIR range

The ID230 free-running single-photon detector is designed for the near-infrared (NIR) range (900–1700 nm).
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ID Quantique time-to-digital converter registers signals on eight independent channels

The id800-TDC 8-channel time-to-digital converter registers incoming signal events on eight independent channels, records their exact time (bin size of 81 ps) and channel number...
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CLEO/Laser Focus World INNOVATION AWARDS: Terahertz scanning reflectometer from Applied Research & Photonics takes top award

The 2011 CLEO/Laser Focus World Innovation Awards program is designed to honor groundbreaking products in the field of photonics and laser science.
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Detectors & Imaging

id Quantique NIR photon counter detects at telecom wavelengths

The id210 Advanced System for single-photon detection can detect at telecom wavelengths including 1310 nm and 1550 nm.

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Additional content from ID Quantique

FIGURE 1. A 3 × 3 array of photon counters is integrated on one silicon chip. The squares around the chip are the bonding pads.
Detectors & Imaging

Quantum Detectors: Single-photon detectors take quantum leaps

Continuing advances in single-photon detection include improvements in avalanche photodiodes, frequency upconversion, and superconducting photon counters.