Conopticswas founded in 1981 by former product managers of the Coherent Modulator Division and is a global leading manufacturer of laser accessories. Our products are utilized at research laboratories, disc manufactures, national laboratories, universities and laser manufactures.
Conoptics Milestones:
• Designed the first DC to 100MHz air-cooled modulation system
• Developed e-o modulators for color-separation systems used in laser scanners
• Developed modulation systems for video-disc mastering systems which included
noise-eaters for removing laser noise and exposure control. These systems also
included high speed modulation for video content and multi-function deflector for
code tracking
• Developed modulators for use in deep UV (257nm)
• Developed modulators and high speed drivers for use in pulse selection systems
and regen switches
• Developed optical isolators for use over the Visible and near IR
• Worked jointly with Cornell University (Webb Group) to develop low dispersion
modulator for use in Multi-Photon Microscopy (MPM)
• Designed miniature optical isolators for use in 3-D measuring systems
• Developed high speed, high extinction ratio modulation system for the
semi-conductor industry
Our product line continues to expand, where we have currently developed leading edge electro-optic modulators, beam deflection systems, drive electronics and optical isolators. Typical applications include:
• Laser Noise Eaters and Exposure Control
• Pulse Selection Systems for Mode Locked Lasers
• Optical Tweezers
• Phase shifters
• Disc Mastering
• Optical Isolators
Our product line covers the optical bandwidth from 250nm out to 2000nm and modulation bandwidth out to 500MHz.
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Conoptics, Inc. has introduced the Model 275 linear, high voltage differential amplifier designed to be used with various Conoptics electro-optic modulators. The output of the...
Conoptics manufactures an extensive line of low voltage electro-optic light modulators, driver electronics, and associated components to satisfy diverse requirements. The application...
Conoptics manufactures a family of free space modular Faraday rotators and interchangeable accessories which can be combined to perform various isolation functions . The unique...
The LASS-II (Laser Amplitude Stabilization System) is an electro-optic feedback loop designed to reduce amplitude variations commonly associated with most gas lasers. This system...
The multi-port high frequency resonant modulator offers a large aperture, low voltage phase or intensity modulation with an upper frequency of 1 GHz. The product is offered with...
CONOPTICS' Model 350-80LA / BK E-O modulator with the Model 302RM driver offers beam attenuation and fly-back blanking with minimal dispersion and full modulation over the lasers...
The Model 715 I is designed to work with unpolarized or randomly polarized lasers. The product replaces the conventional glan polarizers with calcite displacers at the input and...
Conoptics provides a family of products specifically tailored for pulse selection or regenerative amplifier switching systems. Each system consists of an optical modulator, a ...
Select from single pulse to 30Mhz repitition rate for mode locked lasers running at as high as 100Mhz. Low temperal dispersion compatible with FSEC pulses, no spatial dispersion...
Conoptics series of electro-optic beam deflectors utilize a quadrapole electric field in an electro-optic material to produce a linear refractive index gradient proportional to...