Advanced Thin Films

Boulder, CO 80301


About Advanced Thin Films



5733 Central Ave
Boulder, CO 80301
United States

More Info on Advanced Thin Films

Provides high-power laser optics, monolithic optical assemblies, and state-of-the-art IBS coatings from the UV to SWIR. Products and capabilities include low-loss AR coatings, thin film plate polarizers, high energy laser mirrors, superpolished cavity mirrors, beam splitter cubes, zero-order waveplates and complex optical filters for both prototype and OEM applications.


FIGURE 1. The target spectral-transmittance curve for the optical filters entered in the 2013 OIC Manufacturing Problem Contest is shown in black. The actual performance of the winning filter sample (S1), as measured by the participant, ODA, and NIST, is shown in blue, green, and red (they overlay well enough that the colors are hard to distinguish). This sample, one of the three contest winners, was designed and fabricated at JDSU (Santa Rosa, CA); it had 123 layers and was 8.580 μm thick. The other two winning filters were created at Advanced Thin Films (Boulder, CO) and Nikon Corporation (Tokyo, Japan).

THIN-FILM COATINGS: OSA contest highlights optical coaters' abilities

Every three years, the Optical Society (OSA) holds the Optical Interference Coatings (OIC) conference, always at a location that somehow is also attractive for vacationing. And...
FIGURE 1. A mirror designed for use inside a laser cavity has R >99.95% over a bandwidth of 500 nm (a). A mirror for cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) has R = 99.9994% at 1650 nm (b).
Test & Measurement

OPTICS FABRICATION: High-performance mirrors excel for intracavity applications

With carefully controlled absorption and scattering losses, high-reflectivity, low-loss dielectric mirrors enable demanding applications such as gravitational-wave detection and...

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Additional content from Advanced Thin Films

Buyer's Guide

Monolithic Optical Assemblies

Includes high finesse ULE reference cavities, microchips, solid state laser slabs and thin disks. Fabry-Perot reference cavity assemblies come with a variety of spacer configuration...
Buyer's Guide


Custom IBS coated laser mirrors, polarizers, wave plates and epoxy-free optical assemblies from 1×1 mm2 in size. Whether you need 10 or 10,000 pieces, our precision wafer-based...
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Custom Low Loss AR Coatings for High Power Lenses

For CW applications requiring very low absorption coatings, ATF utilizes in house Photo-thermal Common-Path Interferometer (PCI) absorption measurements. A typical IBS AR coating...
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Custom Filters, Beamsplitters & Dichroic Mirrors

ATF utilizes multiple process controls to enable the accurate deposition of extremely complex IBS coatings. Among the diverse custom optical coatings that ATF offers are low absorption...
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Low Dispersion Laser Mirrors

For ultrafast Ti:Sapphire and fiber lasers, ATF carries a line of low dispersion mirrors and polarizers that offer dispersion-controlled broadband reflectivity and high LDT IBS...
Buyer's Guide


All of our waveplates and waveplate assemblies are adhesive free, making them suitable for high power applications with energy densities exceeding 20 J/cm² at 1064 nm. Multiple...
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Epoxy Free Polarizing Beamsplitter Cubes

Whether you need 10 or 10,000 pieces, our precision wafer-based processes result in high yields and competitive costs, especially at higher volumes. All of our polarizing beamsplitter...
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Cavity Ring Down (CRD) Mirrors

Ultra low absorption, high reflective IBS coatings on super-polished substrates create truly low loss mirrors(
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Thin-Film Plate Polarizers

Guaranteed transmission at a specific angle of incidence, with no angle tuning required! Our high power plate polarizers are ideal for applications where fluences are > 1J/cm2...
Buyer's Guide

High-Energy Laser Mirrors

ATF offers premium laser optics at a great value. With reflectivities >99.9% at 0° or 45° for both s & p polarizations, and laser damage thresholds exceeding 70J/cm2 at 1064 nm...