These are thin film Polarizers constructed as a cube. Thin film polarizers utilize the polarization which occurs on reflection from a plane surface. By combining a large number of such surfaces in a stack it is possible to obtain useful extinction ratios.The s-polarization is more than 99% reflected while the p-polarization can be suppressed in the reflected beam and become 95% transmitted. Thin film Polarizers can be optimized for a particular wavelength to give superior performance for laser applications.

Factory Standard

  • Material: Schott, Ohara, CDGM glass, Corning fused silica, JGS1, JGS2
  • Surface flatness: l/4 Lambda
  • Dimensions: +0.1 mm
  • Beam deviation: 1 arcmin
  • Asymmetry: 1°
  • Surface quality: 40-20
  • Coating: Narrowband Anti-Reflection coating on faces
  • Extinction ratio: Ts<1×10-2    Rp<2×10-2
  • Damage threshold: <100mJ/cm2 in 10ns @1064nm

Contact us for manufacturing limit or custom specifications.

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