Optical Windows are typically flat plates for the protection of optical systems or components, isolating them from detrimental effects caused by the environment: like corrosive atmosphere, dust contamination, etc, while ensuring the maximum and reliable light transmission and minimum power loss.
Sapphire is an excellent choice for the production of optical windows, outperforms other materials with its impressive mechanical strength(it is the second hardest substance after diamond), structural integrity, chemical inertia to different types of alkalis and acids, and high temperature endurance(it could handle temperature up to 2030℃). The transmission range of sapphire is also broad, from 0.15 to 5.5μm ( that is, UV to MWIR wavelength range), where its structural firmness enables thinning of the windows.
Shalom EO selects only the optical grade single crystal sapphires as our material to manufacture Sapphire Windows, which features superior surface hardness, high temperature tolerance, and broad transmission range. We could also supply sapphire windows with high surface quality (Scratch/Dig down to 20/10) and parallelism( 30 arc sec) that are suitable for manifolds of high-demanding applications such as laser systems, barcode readers, submersible ROVs, inducing small beam distortion and power absorption. Sapphire Windows are also prominent in the field of Infrared optics.
Hangzhou Shalom EO offers various modules of customized and stocked Sapphire Windows, of circular, rectangular, and other special customized shapes, with a maximum diameter of 300 mm. Both coated(MgF2 single layer AR coating or other custom coating options) and uncoated versions are available according to your requirements.
Besides, Sapphire Lenses including Plano-convex, Plano-concave, Double convex and Meniscus Lenses, and Sapphire Ball/Half Ball Lenses are also on sale in Shalom EO.
- Extreme surface hardness and chemical resistance
- Broad Transmission Range (from 0.15 to 5.5μm)
- Suitable for application from UV to MWIR
- Uncoated and Coated Versions (Single Layer MgF2 or other custom coating options) available