This case study delves into a groundbreaking project centered around the development of an F-theta lens that challenges traditional configurations. The primary objective is to fulfill unique customer requirements, prompting a systematic refinement and upgrade process to enhance performance, particularly in laser applications.
The focal point of this project is optimizing performance for low-energy lasers through the utilization of a quartz design. This design capitalizes on the unique attributes of the material, deviating significantly from the conventional telecentric lens approach. Importantly, this departure has been effectively communicated and accepted by the customer without objections.
Precision is paramount in meeting customer specifications, particularly in working and flange distances as depicted in the structural diagram. The lens’s distinctive design, featuring a large middle lens and two smaller side lenses, requires the use of an essential lens base for optimal alignment during assembly. Careful adjustment of the third lens in subsequent stages ensures compliance with stringent performance standards.
To read the entire case study, visit Shanghai Optics' website.