Powell lenses are specialized optics designed to transform laser beams into evenly illuminated lines, playing a critical role in various high-precision applications such as laser communication, medical equipment, and precision measurement systems. These lenses distribute light more uniformly than traditional cylindrical lenses, which often produce lines with bright central spots and uneven edges. The focus of this project is a custom-designed Powell lens featuring a 30° fan angle, optimized for a 2.5mm input beam diameter and wavelengths within the visible light spectrum.
How Powell Lenses Work
Unlike other lenses, Powell lenses have a unique prism-like structure with a rounded roof. This design allows them to convert a collimated, narrow laser beam into a straight line with uniform energy distribution. Cylindrical lenses tend to produce lines with fading edges and a bright center, but Powell lenses ensure the light spreads evenly, providing more consistent results across the entire line.
A common misconception is that high throughput implies higher speeds, but the real factor that impacts throughput is higher accelerations. Read more here!
In this webinar, you will discover the precision automation technologies essential for manufacturing high-quality laser-cut hypotubes. Learn key processes, techniques, and best...