Case Study: Objective Lens for Laser Instruments with Wavelengths (350-850nm) in Medical Devices
Avantier, a leading custom optics company, recently undertook a challenging project to design and produce objective lenses for a laser instrument used in a medical device. The client’s specific requirements included an effective focal length (EFL) of 10mm, numerical aperture (NA) of 0.5, a working distance exceeding 22mm, and the ability to handle laser wavelengths ranging from 350 to 850 nm.
Customer’s Challenge
The client approached Avantier with a unique set of challenges. Firstly, the 0.5 NA requirement was driving up costs significantly. Additionally, the materials commonly used for lenses proved ineffective for 350-nanometer laser applications. The use of conventional glass at this wavelength resulted in strong absorption, and opting for i-line glass, while solving the absorption issue, would considerably escalate the overall lens cost.
Avantier’s Approach
Avantier meticulously analyzed the customer’s requirements and challenges to formulate an innovative approach. The project involved multiple lasers, each operating at different wavelengths and field angles. Avantier’s team addressed the 0.5 NA challenge by implementing a novel design that not only met the specifications but also allowed for cost reduction.
A common misconception is that high throughput implies higher speeds, but the real factor that impacts throughput is higher accelerations. Read more here!
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