Ultrafast Femtoline Low GDD Mirrors

March 8, 2021
A series of Low Group Delay Dispersion(GDD) mirrors are offered in Shalom EO ultrafast femtoline laser applications. The mirror features broad operation wavelength ranges and uniform phase velocity across the whole wave packets of the pulses.

Hangzhou Shalom EO offers a series of Low Group Delay Dispersion (GDD) Mirrors designed for ultrafast femtosecond pulsed laser applications. Femtosecond lasers have narrow pulse durations, due to the Heisenburg uncertain principle, the wavelength spectrum of the pulses is consequently wider, implying short pulse lasers are very sensitive to dispersion. Therefore to realize the compression of pulse duration of ultrafast lasers, compensation of chromatic dispersion is crucial.

Shalom EO’s Low GDD Mirrors are specially designed for ultrafast lasers (e.g. femtosecond lasers). Our products feature superior surface quality and flatness( 10/5 Scratch/Dig, Flatness lambda/10), and low Group Delay Dispersion, that is, the absolute value of GDD is always <20fs^2 within the designed wavelength range, and are optimized for light oriented at 45° and 0° AOI. Simultaneously, the ultrafast grade dielectric coatings ensure minute reflection loss(Reflection 99.5%, s+p/2) than metallic mirrors(e.g. Ultrafast-Enhanced Silver Mirrors), and high laser induced damage threshold, enabling high peak power output. The mirror substrates are made from Corning 7980 0F UV Fused Silica, which is a high purity SiO2 glass with very few inclusions, high homogeneity, and insignificant thermal expansion properties.

Hangzhou Shalom EO provides GDD mirrors. The standard specifications are: Wavelength Range 760-840nm/1000-1060nm, Dimension 12.7mmx3mm/25.4mmx6mm/50.8mmx12mm, for these specifications you could simply purchase online on our website. Custom requests are also accepted.


  • Stocked and customized mirrors available
  • Made of Corning 7980 0F UV Fused Silica
  • Surface Flatness λ/10, Surface Flatness 10/5 S/D
  • Minute reflection loss (Reflection 99.5%, s+p/2)
  • Low GDD and TOD
  • Broadband characteristic and high damage threshold
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