UltraFast Innovations GmbH

Garching b München 85748


About UltraFast Innovations GmbH


Dieselstr 5
Garching b München 85748

More Info on UltraFast Innovations GmbH

UltraFast Innovations is a premium manufacturer of custom-made optics, broadband coherent sources, diagnostic devices and engineering solutions in ultrafast science.


FIGURE 1. Comparison of the time scales of an attosecond, a second, and the age of the universe to illustrate the incredibly short time duration of an attosecond.

Attosecond extreme ultraviolet lasers demand high-precision multilayer mirrors

Attosecond optics for extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lasers should be designed for maximum control of the central wavelength/energy, spectral shape, spectral phase, and pulse duration...
Ultra Fast Innovations
Lasers & Sources

XUV/IR pulse delay unit has use in attosecond streaking

The K2 delay unit allows time-resolved experiments with either an XUV/soft x-ray pump pulse and an IR probe, or vice versa.
Xu Vmirrors Eo+ufi

Attosecond EUV mirrors provide peak reflectivity of 38%

Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) mirrors are used to steer, focus, and shape attosecond pulses, based on high harmonic generation, with a temporal duration of 330 as.
2110 Lfw Cs Hero

Laser Focus World announces 2021 Innovators Awards

For the fourth straight year, Laser Focus World held its Innovators Awards program, which celebrates the disparate and innovative technologies, products, and systems found in ...
FIGURE 1. Highly dispersive mirror coatings designed to minimize thermal lensing are beneficial for both intracavity and external optics—such as those pictured here—when used with high-power ultrafast systems.
Lasers & Sources

Combatting thermal lensing in high-power ultrafast laser systems

With their short pulse durations and high peak powers, ultrafast laser systems benefit and enhance a wide variety of applications, from materials processing to microscopy.

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