Shenzhen Gongda Laser to attend Laser World of Photonics China- 22–24 March, 2023, Shanghai, China
Jan. 5, 2023
Related To: Shenzhen Gongda Laser Co Ltd

LASER World of PHOTONICS CHINA, Asia's largest trade fair for the photonics industry, has taken place in Shanghai every year since 2006. It presents the entire range of photonics in an international setting, tailored to the specific needs of the Chinese market. Shenzhen Gongda Laser will show the China's first 1000 W single mode green fiber laser source in the exhibition.
Global Distributor wanted!
As the Chinese biggest Green and UV fiber laser manufacturer, we are searching for global distributors.
Please contact: Daniel Cheng,Tel: +86-18938681709, Skype:chengd787; Wechat/Whatsapp:+8613902449146, [email protected],
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