LightMachinery Inc

Ottawa, ON K0A 1A0


About LightMachinery Inc



80 Colonnade Rd
Ottawa, ON K0A 1A0

More Info on LightMachinery Inc

Manufactures and sells excimer and TEA CO2 lasers. Designs and manufactures high-quality, custom-designed optical components and systems (interferometers, etalons, waveplates, beamsplitters, and more)



(Courtesy of LightMachinery)
The reflectivity of a 100-µm-thick solid fused-silica etalon varies widely with angle, making it suitable as the partially transmitting component of the UBS (top). A UBS mounted in a standard mirror mount splits a beam (path of beam is sketched in for clarity).

LAB OPTICS: Beamsplitter has widely adjustable splitting ratio

In response to frequent requests for custom beamsplitters, the research and development staff at LightMachinery has developed an adjustable beamsplitter that the company calls...
(Courtesy of LightMachinery)
An abrasive-filled fluid jet polishes an optical surface in a predictable, controllable manner.

OPTICAL FABRICATION: Fluid-jet polisher is deterministic

A fluid-jet optical-polishing process developed at LightMachinery (Ottawa, Ont., Canada) promises a lower-cost path to deterministic optical polishing.
Compact high-repetition-rate excimer lasers are finding application in semiconductor manufacturing for metrology applications such as mask qualification.
Lasers & Sources

OPTOELECTRONIC APPLICATIONS: MATERIALS PROCESSING - Excimers take more-refined approach to micromachining

From drilling inkjet nozzles to etching diamond jewelry, the excimer laser continues to make its mark.

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