Time-Bandwidth Products AG

Zurich CH-8005


About Time-Bandwidth Products AG



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Zurich CH-8005

More Info on Time-Bandwidth Products AG

Manufactures all solid-state diode-pumped femtosecond and picosecond lasers. Achieves "Rock-Solid Ultrafast" through the use of diode pumping and semiconductor saturable absorbers-SESAMs to initiate and stabilize pulsing.


(Courtesy of Toptica)
FIGURE 1. A diagram shows the evolution of ultrafast lasers from the original dye lasers to more-recent solid-state and fiber-based lasers.
Lasers & Sources

Ultrafast Scientific Lasers: Ultrafast scientific lasers expand on their legacy

The femtosecond-scale pulse durations of ultrafast lasers are ideal for science, capturing physical and biological processes that normally happen too fast to measure.
Courtesy of Next Scan Technology
FIGURE 1. Using a line or polygon scanner with 4000 laser points per line, it takes 2 ms to scan the line across the workpiece.
Lasers & Sources

ULTRAFAST LASERS: Picosecond lasers: Achieving maximum processing speed

In picosecond lasers, the ablated volume per pulse is limited, and the principal workaround is the innovative implementation of higher pulse-repetition rates at the workpiece....

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