DayOptics Inc

Fuzhou, Fujian 350008


About DayOptics Inc



6 Yangqi Branch
8 Jinshan Fuwan Pk
Fuzhou, Fujian 350008

More Info on DayOptics Inc

Manufactures high power PBS, Cylindrical lenses, high power wave plates, high power optical bonding crystals, polarizers (Glan laser, Wollaston, Rochon prisms), crystals (BBO, KTP, Nd:YAG, Nd:YVO4, YVO4, a-BBO, MgF2, quartz crystals) for UV, visible and IR applications. Windows, prisms, PBS (polarization beam splitter), etalons, lenses, cylindrical lenses for OEM applications.


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Buyer's Guide

Waveplate (High Precision)

Dayoptics manufactures high quality Crystal Quartz and MgF2 waveplates. Specification: Dimension Tolerance: +0.0, -0.1 Wavefront distortion: λ /8@633nm Retardation Tolerance: ...

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Additional content from DayOptics Inc

Buyer's Guide

IR waveplate

Dayoptics newly developed IR waveplate with high retardation tolerance for wavelength range from 1um-7um. It can be provided with true zero order waveplate or low order waveplates...
Buyer's Guide

Lyot Depolarizers

Optical depolarizer is a kind of optical passive component which can transform the input polarized or partial polarized light into non-polarization light (depolarization), it ...
Buyer's Guide

High Power Crystals

Dayoptics Diffusion Bonding Crystals are crystals consisting of two, three or more parts with different dopant levels. Usually, doped and undoped materials are used. High Power...
Buyer's Guide

Color filter

Dayoptics provides filters based on many types. One type is based on the color windows and the other is based on coating method (High Reflection, Partial refection). The substrates...
Buyer's Guide

Prism (High Precision)

Dayoptics provides high precision prisms, including Penta Prism, Beamsplitter Penta Prism, Right Angle Prism, and Corner Cube. Our micro Penta Prism and Right Angle Prism are ...
Buyer's Guide

Cylinderial Lens (high precision)

Cylindrial lenses focus light in only one dimension and are most commonly used to correct astigmatics in the eye, and in rangefinders, to produce astigmatism, stretching a point...
Buyer's Guide

micro optical assemblies

Based on Dayoptics' optical bonding technology, high power PBS with optical contact with high power waveplates which can be function as optical combiner or high power optical ...
Buyer's Guide

High Tranmssion Glan Polarizer (PGH)

The incidence angle of the PGH is Brewster angle cut which can great improve the transmission ray >98% in a wide range of wavelength without coating. The polarizer can be made...
Buyer's Guide

High Power Waveplate

Compare with low order waveplate, Dayoptics high power waveplate has wider spectra & temperature bandwidth and wider angular field. Based on our unique optical bonding technology...
Buyer's Guide

High Power Polarization Beam Splitter (PBS)

Dayoptics manufactures high power PBS based on optically bonding technology which can withstand >15J/cm2 @1064nm 20ns, 20Hz. The advantages are: Epoxy Free; high transmission ...