AOG Crystal Technology Co Ltd

Xiamen, Fujian 361102


About AOG Crystal Technology Co Ltd


Room 1503, No12
Xiangwu Sanli, Xiang’An
Xiamen, Fujian 361102

More Info on AOG Crystal Technology Co Ltd

Leading manufacturer of Crystal Material, AOGTech offers a kinds of optical crystal including laser crystal, nonlinear crystal, diffusion bonding crystal, YAG crystal, YLF crystal, Q-switched crystal, ZnSe mirror and lenses.



Nd:YVO4 Crystals and Components

AogTech develop a new diffusion bonding series(Nd:YVO 4 +KTP) for very cmpact design of diode pumped green lasers. Please contact us for more information. Custom size...

Diffusion Bonding Crystals

Diffusion Bonded Crystals Modules(DBM) are crystals consisting of two, three or more parts with different doping levels or different dopant, usually one laser crystal and one ...

BBO nonlinear Crystal

Beta barium borate(BBO) crystal is one of the best non-linear optical crystals with high effective nonlinear optical coefficient, high damage threshold, wide phase matching range...
Nd Yag Crystal

Nd:YAG Crystal

AogTech offers large diameter Nd:YAG crystal. The use of high quality starting materials for crystal growth, whole boule interferometry, and precise measurement of Nd concentration...


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