Beta-Barium borate (or beta-BaB2O4, beta-BBO) crystal is one of the most eminent nonlinear optical crystals. BBO crystal exhibits outstanding optical features such as its high nonlinear optical coefficient, low group velocity dispersion, broad transparency range of 189-3500 nm, and high damage threshold. Besides, BBO crystals also excel in low thermal-optical coefficients and availability of large size high-quality single crystals.
These characteristics made beta BBO crystals become a versatile material for various nonlinear optical applications such as harmonic generation operations and optical parametric oscillators(OPO) and optical parametric amplifiers(OPA) and other applications in the field of quantum optics( quantum entanglement) and EO applications. The crystal has an effective frequency doubling coefficient 3-6 times larger than the current general ADP and KDP crystals in the near-infrared, visible, and ultraviolet band. It also has a light damage threshold (15Gw/cm2) twice higher than that of KDP, and high optical homogeneity.
Hangzhou Shalom EO offers off-the-shelf and customized BBO crystals for nonlinear optical applications. The ultra-thin 0.01mm thickness with fused silica substrates and 0.05mm thickness free-standing BBO crystals for Femto-line lasers are available. We are capable to expand the aperture of the crystal up to 20x20mm, with various coatings including P-coating/ multi-layer V-type AR coating/ dual wavelength AR coating optional. Additionally, Shalom EO also provides BBO crystals for EO applications and spontaneous parametric down conversions (SPDC) applications.
Typical Applications:
- Frequency-conversion (SHG,THG, 4HG and 5HG) of Visible and Near IR laser light (such as Na:YAG lasers, Ti:Sapphire lasers)
- OPO/OPG/OPA pumped by ultrafast pulses of wavelengths in the Near IR to UV
- Sum-frequency mixing (SFM) into the Visible to the deep UV (dye lasers)