
Padova, (PD) 35128


About SpotOptics


Via Turazza 48
Padova, (PD) 35128

More Info on SpotOptics

Manufactures Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors for testing optical elements and lasers for the laboratory and production environment. Wavelength range covered: 193nm to 10.6microns, including high-power lasers. Specialized in off-axis testing.


FIGURE 1. Five Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors-one on-axis and four off-axis-measure the quality of mobile-phone camera lenses. Light from a multipinhole light source is used to illuminate the lens, and the five cameras record the spot patterns. A calibration image is taken using parallel light from a high-quality lens. After analysis, the good and bad lenses are automatically sorted out. The whole operation takes less than five seconds. The off-axis angles can be defined by the user.

TEST & MEASUREMENT: Wavefront sensing goes off-axis

A new generation of diagnostic instruments based on the Shack-Hartmann method can be used to measure the optical quality of single or complex lenses, measuring on-axis as well...

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For testing the wavefront quality of high-power CO2 lasers