Äpre Instruments

Tucson, AZ 85705


About Äpre Instruments



2440 W Ruthrauff Rd
Suite 100
Tucson, AZ 85705
United States

More Info on Äpre Instruments

ÄPRE’s Fizeau and LUPI surface and wavefront interferometers, SpectrÄ source, and REVEAL software push the limits of optical manufacturer’s speed, accuracy, and ROI. 




Fizeau interferometry with no back reflections on parts as thin as 0.075mm, low noise Spectral-Synchronized data acquisition, easy laser alignment mode, and measurements out to...
Instrumentation, metrology

REVEAL Metrology Software

Intuitive and uncluttered, REVEAL delivers multiple data acquisition techniques, deep data analysis, and unique traceability. The REVEAL Enterprise function gives central control...

Fizeau, LUPI, and S-Series Interferometers

Ävant White-Light Fizeau Interferometers: Lowest noise floor from Form to MSF, control both spatial and temporal coherence, highest resolution available with the highestaccuracy...


(Courtesy of Äpre Instruments)
FIGURE 1. When the SCI produces a single laser line, the fringe contrast is the same everywhere; this is the laser Fizeau mode (top). The spectral width determines the width of the interference fringes, just like a broadband source (bottom).
Test & Measurement

Understanding spectrally controlled interferometry

Revolutionary innovations are rare. In the field of optical test interferometry, the HeNe laser revolutionized its application and use; now, SCI promises to do the same.
FIGURE 1. A card printed with 1 mm black/white line pairs oriented horizontally (a) and vertically (b) can be used to assess vertical and horizontal interferometer imaging performance, respectively. Image degradation is seen at the edges of the image in this Gen II interferometer, indicating limitations in spatial frequencies that can be measured.
Test & Measurement

Interferometry: Three simple tests assess interferometer performance

How good is your interferometer? Has system performance degraded since last year? How does one system compare to another? Do annual "calibrations" provide the complete picture...
1608 Lfw Pro 2
Test & Measurement

Äpre Instruments Fizeau interferometer provides 4 Mpixel imaging

The S100 HR laser Fizeau interferometer allows optical testing by manufacturers of spheres, aspheres, and freeform surfaces.


Robert Smythe

President, Äpre Instruments

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