NewView™ 9000 Optical Profiler

Nov. 6, 2018
The NewView™ 9000 3D optical surface profiler provides powerful versatility in non-contact optical surface profiling. With the system, it is easy and fast to measure a wide range of surface types, including smooth, rough, flat, sloped, and stepped. All measurements are nondestructive, fast, and require no sample preparation.At the core of the system is ZYGO's Coherence Scanning Interferometry (CSI) technology which delivers sub-nanometer precision at all magnifications, and measures a wider range of surfaces faster and more precisely than other commercially-available technologies, thus optimizing your return on investment.Performance, Value, and VersatilityFlexibility is the hallmark of ZYGO's NewView products. The NewView 9000 profiler offers exceptional value with applications as varied as flatness, roughness and waviness, thin films, step heights and more.All NewView 9000 profilers are equipped with a triple-zoom turret which can be populated with discrete zoom optics tailor made for the system. Sample staging configurations range from completely manual to fully automated with encoded travel.Regardless of your configuration, all NewView 9000 systems offer high-accuracy measurements, ease of use, and fast measurements, all at an attractive price point that make it the ideal choice for versatility and value in 3D optical profilers.Some of the differentiated features targeted at making users' metrology better, faster, and more reliable: Large-area 1.9 MP sensor with high sensitivity lets you see more in a single measurement High-speed measurements take only seconds for improved productivity and process control Automated part focus and setup minimizes operator variability and training while reducing the time to data Gage-capable performance through exceptional precision and repeatability for the most demanding production applications. Vibration robust metrology with SureScan technology and available built-in isolation enables high quality metrology even in vibration-prone environments SmartPSI™ technology for ultra-fast profiling of ultra-smooth surfaces 2D and 3D correlation provides confidence in your measurements with results that comply to ISO 25178 and ISO 4287 standards. Mx™ software for instrument control, analysis, and measurement automationAdvanced Analysis & Control SoftwareThe NewView 9000 profiler uses ZYGO's Mx™ software that powers complete system control and data analysis, including rich interactive 3D maps, quantitative topography information, intuitive measurement navigation, and built-in SPC with statistics, control charting, and pass/fail limits. Interactive 3D plots - zoom, pan, rotate, and update results in real time. Flexible Analyses - a wide array of quantitative results, data views, and filters are included. Intuitive user interface with a workflow-based design makes it easy to learn and use. Built in SPC analysis tools track results, monitor pass-fail criteria, and track process statistics.Additional application modules for specific needs, such as measurement in the presence of transparent films, and 2D vision analysis, are available for those who require these capabilities.Flexible ConfigurationsThe NewView 9000 profiler features an open work area, with clear lines of sight, to help make measurement setups and changeovers simple and quick. Systems can be equipped with a variety of sample staging that range from fully manual X/Y and tilt stages, to fully automated stages with 150 mm of travel and 4 degrees of tilt. With the integrated isolation system and compact size, it is well suited for benchtop installations; using the optional stand and workstation make an ideal production-style system.

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