Process Sensors

Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417


About Process Sensors


787 Susquehanna Ave
Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417
United States

More Info on Process Sensors

Process Sensors Corporation (PSC), a KPM Analytics company, is a leading supplier of NIR and IR sensors and systems to Fortune 500 manufacturing companies and small, privately held organizations in industries worldwide.


Process Sensors
Test & Measurement

Blackbody calibration source offers resolution of 0.1°C

The Model BBS500-57 blackbody calibration source provides calibration verification of pyrometers and thermal imaging cameras, among others.
Process Sensors
Test & Measurement

Pyrometer has use in industrial temperature measurement

The PSC-GRF11N two-color, fiber-optic pyrometer has a variable-focus fiber-optic lens that provides a spot size from 0.7 mm diameter.
Process Sensors
Test & Measurement

Two-color pyrometer offers 5 ms response time

The Model PSC-GRF11N fiber-optic two-color pyrometer is designed for industrial automation applications.
Psc 400 Fcs Picture Body Temperature Camera
Detectors & Imaging

Process Sensors thermal imager operates in the 8–14 µm range

The model PSC-400FCS bi-spectral intelligent motion detection and face recognition thermal imaging camera system is based on an uncooled UFPA detector.
Process Sensors
Test & Measurement

Process Sensors infrared thermometers have 0.1° resolution

Capella models C309 and C311 portable noncontact infrared thermometers have a small spot size along with 0.1° resolution.
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Test & Measurement

One-color pyrometer from Process Sensors has two dynamic temperature ranges

The PSC-T54L self-contained, one-color, non-contact infrared (IR) temperature pyrometer is designed for industrial applications.
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Test & Measurement

Process Sensors two-color ratio thermometer offers automatic compensation

The portable PSC-SR80NV non-contact, two-color ratio thermometer has temperature ranges from 500° to 1800°C.
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Test & Measurement

Process Sensors noncontact IR thermometer has 1 ms response

The PSC-SSS-Laser-05M IR thermometer has use in noncontact temperature measurement of molten and shiny metals from 1000° to 2000°C.
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Test & Measurement

Process Sensors one-color sensors are designed for measurements on metals and shiny materials

The Metis high-resolution 16 bit, one-color sensors have use in non-contact temperature measurement in the short wavelength spectral range.

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Additional content from Process Sensors

1410prod Process
Test & Measurement

Pyrometers from Process Sensors have applications in metal processing

The PSC-SR56N series of self-contained pyrometers offers a choice of four sighting methods and high-resolution fixed focus optics with small spot sizes.
Test & Measurement

Process Sensors offers pyrometers with fixed focus optics

PSC-SR54N and PSC-SR54NV pyrometers offer fixed focus optics with small spot sizes, digital RS485 communication interface, and analog 4–20 mA output.
1402prod Processsensors
Detectors & Imaging

Process Sensors introduces the Sirius series of noncontact IR temperature sensors

The Sirius series of sensors operate in near-IR measurement of ferrous and non-ferrous metals above 50°C and have a spectral range of 2 to 2.6 micron.
Test & Measurement

IR thermometer's sensing head from Process Sensors measures 14 x 28 mm

The PSC-CMS-3M miniature infrared thermometer is used in tightly confined areas in scientific and medical equipment, semiconductor tools, industrial processes, and OEM equipment...