89 North

Burlington, VT 05401


About 89 North


1 Mill St
Unit 285
Burlington, VT 05401
United States

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Develops high power light sources and light engines life science imaging. Key applications include live cell imaging, quantitative fluorescence analysis, such as FRET and calcium imaging.


Image courtesy of Steve Mabon and Tom Misteli, National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD
An indirect immunofluorescence image of cells in interphase and mitosis. Presplicing factors are stained red and chromatin stained blue.

SOLID-STATE LIGHT SOURCES/FLUORESCENCE MICROSCOPY: Hybrid approach lets solid-state sources light up fluorescence

Like other applications, fluorescence microscopy wants the tantalizing flexibility of solid-state lighting. But adapting low-cost lighting to the ubiquitous compound microscope...
Both McGill University (left) and Lumencor (right) have developed Mercury Free Microscopy logos.

FLUORESCENCE MICROSCOPY: A program to help labs 'go green'

Mercury reduction has become a hot topic in biomedical imaging. Mercury is a toxic element, but because of its heretofore-unique capability to emit several color bands that appear...
89 North PhotoFluor II NIR light source
Lasers & Sources

NIR light source from 89 North provides stable output from 340 to 650 nm

The PhotoFluor II NIR uses a 1600 hr, pre-aligned lamp with extended NIR transmission.
Content Dam Etc Medialib New Lib Biooptics World Online Articles 2011 04 82160

89 North intros iPhone app for fluorescence imaging light engine

Designed for configuring the Heliophor pumped phosphor light engine, the Heliophor iPhone app from 89 North contains an extensive spectral database of the most commonly used fluorescenc...
Content Dam Etc Medialib New Lib Biooptics World Online Articles 2010 11 36876

89 North pumped phosphor light engine for fluorescence imaging

The Heliophor pumped phosphor light engine from 89 North for quantitative fluorescence imaging applications features six user-exchangeable wavelength modules, which deliver up...

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Photo 88499141 © Korn Vitthayanukarun | Dreamstime.com
Executive Forum

Photonics Business Moves: December 1, 2023

Here are the top four photonics business moves that made headlines during the week ending December 1, 2023.