The EasyLife™ L is a unique, affordable phosphorimeter. Using our proprietary 'single-shot' detection technique, the EasyLife™ L is lightening fast and ultra sensitive. For each pulse of the Xenon lamp, the system collects an entire decay curve. Since it can be run at up to 500 HZ, the EasyLife™ L can collect, sum and average up to 500 complete decays in a single second. Not only does this provide instantaneous results, but it also significantly enhances the signal to noise of your luminescence research. Able to accurately measure lifetimes from a few microseconds to 300 ms, the OBB EasyLife™ L is the ideal system for Lanthanide Resonance Energy Transfer (LRET) based kinase activity assays. And it is so easy to use that literally anyone in your lab can operate the system.